Korsnäs invests in reducing energy costs

Investment AB Kinnevik (publ)  ("Kinnevik") announced today that  the
Boards of Directors of Kinnevik  and Korsnäs AB, in cooperation  with
Gävle Municipality,  have decided  to  invest approximately  SEK  1.8
billion in a bioenergy  plant at Korsnäs'  industrial site in  Gävle.
Korsnäs intends to invest approximately SEK 320 million in shares and
debenture loans, corresponding  to 50% of  the jointly owned  company
Bomhus Energi AB.  In addition  to this investment,  Korsnäs will  be
spending approximately SEK 145 million  on energy investments in  its
existing plant for the delivery of waste heat to Gävle Energi AB.

The objective of the investments is to, from 2013, secure delivery of
environmentally compatible  electricity  and  steam  to  the  Korsnäs
plant, as well as district  heating to Gävle Energi's customers.  The
investments will  enable  a  significant reduction  in  Korsnäs'  oil
consumption, while increasing electricity  production and the use  of
waste heat  from Korsnäs'  plant.  As a  result of  the  investments,
Korsnäs Gävle  will  raise  the  proportion  of  internally  produced
electricity from 38% till  45%. The investments will  also lead to  a
decreased oil consumption of 21,000 m3 per annum. These  investments,
in combination  with  the  ongoing construction  of  the  evaporation
plant, will decrease oil consumption from today's level of 44,000  m3
to 4,000  m3 per  annum. The  total impact  on the  environment  from
Korsnäs Gävle will decrease from 125,000 tonnes to 10,000 tonnes  CO2
per annum. The reduction corresponds to the total annual  consumption
of more than 10,000 oil heated homes.

The new bioenergy plant will be ready for operation during the autumn
2012. The investments  will impact  cash flow  during 2010-2012.  The
investment decision  is  subject to  the  signing of  the  definitive
agreements by  the  parties and  to  Bomhus Energi  AB  securing  the
necessary external financing.

For further information, visit www.kinnevik.se or contact:

Christer Simrén, CEO Korsnäs AB +46 (0)26 15 10 00
Mikael Larsson, CFO Kinnevik    +46 (0)8 562 000 00
                                +46 (0)70 762 00 70

Investment AB Kinnevik's objective is to increase shareholder value,
primarily through net asset value growth. Kinnevik manages a
portfolio of investments focused around three comprehensive business
areas; Major Unlisted Holdings which includes the cartonboard and
paper company Korsnäs including shares in Bergvik Skog, Major Listed
Holdings which includes Millicom International Cellular, Tele2,
Modern Times Group MTG, Metro International and Transcom WorldWide,
and New Ventures which is active in finding new investments in small
and mid sized companies which has a significant growth potential.
Kinnevik plays an active role on the Boards of its holdings.
The Kinnevik's class A and class B shares are listed on the NASDAQ
OMX Stockholm's list for large cap companies, within the financial
and real estate sector. The ticker codes are KINV A and KINV B.


Press release.pdf