Q1 results of the 2009/2010 financial year

AS Tallink Grupp and its subsidiaries (The Group) results and development in the
first quarter (01.09.2009-30.11.2009) met the management expectations.          

The Group's passenger volume development was positive by 1.2% compared to the   
first quarter of the previous financial year. While cargo volumes for the first 
quarter still show a decrease by 10.5% on year on year comparison the latest    
months have already brought slight increase in cargo volumes on some routes.    
The unaudited revenues in the first quarter of the 2009/2010 financial year were
EUR 181 million (EEK 2 837 million) which is 6.4% decrease compared to the first
quarter of the previous financial year. The revenue decrease was mainly         
influenced from the drop in cargo volumes and lower spending per passenger      
compared to the first quarter of 2008/2009 financial year.                      

The overall situation in the passenger spending pattern has however improved on 
quarter to quarter basis during the past two quarters which is giving a positive
signal for the future outlook. The Group is actively managing the selection of  
products, special offers and pricing also onboard the vessels in order to follow
the customers' changed spending behaviour and to meet their expectations.       

The Group's EBITDA in the first quarter of 2009/2010 financial year was EUR 27  
million (EEK 422 million), 10.7% lower than year ago which resulted mainly from 
the lower revenues. After the increased depreciation and lower interest expenses
the unaudited net loss for the first quarter of 2009/2010 financial year        
improved by EUR 0.8 million (EEK 12 million) and amounted to EUR 1.2 million    
(EEK 18.6 million).                                                             

As an effect of the cost reduction activities the Group's administrative and    
general expenses continued to decrease in the first quarter, being 16.7% or EUR 
1.9 million (EEK 29.4 million) lower compared to the first quarter of the       
previous financial year.                                                        

The Management continues to focus on the cost efficiency and on the improvement 
of the Group results. The sales or charters of older and non performing vessels 
have high priority. In October 2009 one of the older vessels' Tallink           
Autoexpress 2 was sold. There are currently several negotiations open to either 
charter or sell some of the older and non performing vessels.                   

| Q1 KEY FIGURES         |      01.09.09-       |     01.09.08-      | Change &|
|                        |       30.11.09       |      30.11.08      |         |
|                        |     EEK     |  EUR   |    EEK     |  EUR  |         |
| Net sales (million)    |       2 837 |  181.3 |      3 031 | 193.7 |   -6.4% |
| Gross profit (million) |         511 |   32.7 |        604 |  38.6 |  -15.4% |
| Gross margin           |       18.0% |        |      19.9% |       |         |
| EBITDA (million)       |         422 |   27.0 |        473 |  30.2 |  -10.7% |
| EBITDA margin          |       14.9% |        |      15.6% |       |         |
| Net profit/-loss       |         -19 |   -1.2 |        -31 |  -1.9 |   39.3% |
| (million)              |             |        |            |       |         |
| Net profit margin      |       -0.7% |        |      -1.0% |       |         |
| Depreciation & amort.  |         281 |   18.0 |        257 |  16.5 |    9.2% |
| (million)              |             |        |            |       |         |
| Investments (million)  |           5 |    0.4 |        168 |  10.7 |  -96.7% |
| Weighted average       |          669 882 040 |        669 882 040 |      0% |
| number of ordinary     |                      |                    |         |
| shares outstanding     |                      |                    |         |
| during Q1*             |                      |                    |         |
| Earnings per share     |    -0.03 |     -0.00 |  -0.05 |      0.00 |     40% |
|                        |                      |                    |         |
| Number of passengers   |            1 808 235 |          1 786 205 |    1.2% |
| Cargo units            |               68 334 |             76 313 |  -10.5% |
| Average number of      |                6 621 |              6 826 |     -3% |
| employees              |                      |                    |         |
|                        |      30.11.2009      |     31.08.2009     |         |
|                        |     EEK     |  EUR   |    EEK     |  EUR  |         |
| Total assets (million) |      29 862 |  1 909 |     30 468 | 1 947 |   -2.0% |
| Total liabilities      |      19 818 |  1 267 |     20 412 | 1 304 |   -2.9% |
| (million)              |             |        |            |       |         |
| Interest-bearing       |      17 919 |  1 145 |     18 483 | 1 181 |   -3.1% |
| liabilities (million)  |             |        |            |       |         |
| Total equity (million) |      10 044 |    642 |     10 056 |   642 |   -0.1% |
| Equity ratio           |       33.6% |        |      33.0% |       |         |
| Number of ordinary     |          669 882 040 |        669 882 040 |      0% |
| shares outstanding*    |                      |                    |         |
| Shareholders' equity   |    15 |         0.96 |     15 |      0.96 |      0% |
| per share              |       |              |        |           |         |
Net profit margin - net profit / net sales;                                     
EBITDA - Earnings before net financial items, taxes, depreciation and           
EBITDA margin - EBITDA / net sales;                                             
Gross margin - gross profit / net sales;                                        
Net profit margin - net profit / net sales;                                     
Equity ratio - total equity / total assets;                                     
Earnings per share - net profit / weighted average number of shares outstanding;
Shareholder's equity per share - shareholder's equity / number of shares        
* Share numbers exclude own shares.                                             

The Group's fleet renewal program has been completed and thus the Group's       
investments are now relatively small going ahead. This helps to concentrate on  
the core operations. As there are no capital commitments then more free cash can
be used to reduce the Group's net debt.                                         

During the first quarter the Group's cash flow from operations was EUR 31.6     
million (EEK 495 million), which is EUR 11.5 million (EEK 180 million) increase 
compared to the first quarter of the previous financial year. The increase in   
the operating cash flow results from the improved working capital dynamics.     
Taking into account the reduction in investments, sale of one vessel and lower  
interest payments the total net cash flow for the first quarter increased by EUR
28.9 million (EEK 452 million) compared to the first quarter of the 2008/2009   
financial year. In the end of the first quarter the Group's cash and cash       
equivalents amounted to EUR 41 million (EEK 642 million).                       


| (unaudited, in thousands of EEK)             |   01.09.2009- |   01.09.2008- |
|                                              |    30.11.2009 |    30.11.2008 |
| Revenue                                      |     2,836,833 |     3,031,349 |
| Cost of sales                                |    -2,325,945 |    -2,427,351 |
| Gross profit                                 |       510,888 |       603,998 |
| Marketing expenses                           |      -227,586 |      -215,656 |
| Administrative expenses                      |      -146,246 |      -175,594 |
| Other income                                 |         7,072 |         3,156 |
| Other expenses                               |        -2,785 |          -271 |
| Results from operating activities            |       141,343 |       215,633 |
| Financial income                             |        12,729 |        87,511 |
| Financial expenses                           |      -172,690 |      -333,807 |
| Loss from normal operation before income tax |       -18,618 |       -30,663 |
| Income tax                                   |             0 |             0 |
| Net loss for the period                      |       -18,618 |       -30,663 |
| Other comprehensive income/-expense          |               |               |
| Exchange differences on translating foreign  |       -11,452 |        -6,411 |
| operations                                   |               |               |
| Cash flow hedges                             |        17,993 |       -84,226 |
| Other comprehensive income/-expense for the  |         6,541 |       -90,637 |
| period                                       |               |               |
| Total comprehensive income/-expense for the  |       -12,077 |      -121,300 |
| period                                       |               |               |
| Loss attributable to:                        |               |               |
|     | Equity holders of the parent           |       -18,618 |       -30,663 |
| Total comprehensive income/-expense          |               |               |
| attributable to:                             |               |               |
|     | Equity holders of the parent           |       -12,077 |      -121,300 |
| Earnings per share (in EEK per share)        |               |               |
|     | - basic                                |         -0.03 |         -0.05 |
|     | - diluted                              |         -0.03 |         -0.05 |

| (unaudited, in thousands of EUR)             |   01.09.2009- |   01.09.2008- |
|                                              |    30.11.2009 |    30.11.2008 |
| Revenue                                      |       181,307 |       193,739 |
| Cost of sales                                |      -148,655 |      -155,136 |
| Gross profit                                 |        32,652 |        38,603 |
| Marketing expenses                           |       -14,545 |       -13,783 |
| Administrative expenses                      |        -9,347 |       -11,223 |
| Other income                                 |           452 |           201 |
| Other expenses                               |          -178 |           -17 |
| Results from operating activities            |         9,034 |        13,781 |
| Financial income                             |           813 |         5,593 |
| Financial expenses                           |       -11,037 |       -21,334 |
| Loss from normal operation before income tax |        -1,190 |        -1,960 |
| Income tax                                   |             0 |             0 |
| Net loss for the period                      |        -1,190 |        -1,960 |
| Other comprehensive income/-expense          |               |               |
| Exchange differences on translating foreign  |          -731 |          -409 |
| operations                                   |               |               |
| Cash flow hedges                             |         1,150 |        -5,383 |
| Other comprehensive income/-expense for the  |           419 |        -5,792 |
| period                                       |               |               |
| Total comprehensive income/-expense for the  |          -771 |        -7,752 |
| period                                       |               |               |
| Loss attributable to:                        |               |               |
|     | Equity holders of the parent           |        -1,190 |        -1,960 |
| Total comprehensive income/-expense          |               |               |
| attributable to:                             |               |               |
|     | Equity holders of the parent           |          -771 |        -7,752 |
| Earnings per share (in EUR per share)        |               |               |
|     | - basic                                |          0.00 |          0.00 |
|     | - diluted                              |          0.00 |          0.00 |

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                    
(unaudited, in thousands of EEK)                                                

| ASSETS                                      |    30.11.2009 |     31.08.2009 |
| Current assets                              |               |                |
| Cash and cash equivalents                   |       642,186 |        782,043 |
| Receivables                                 |       711,947 |        797,762 |
| Prepayments                                 |       157,581 |        179,892 |
| Derivatives                                 |        19,011 |          6,493 |
| Inventories                                 |       292,269 |        297,527 |
| Total current assets                        |     1,822,994 |      2,063,717 |
| Non-current assets                          |               |                |
| Investments in associates                   |         9,180 |              0 |
| Other financial assets and prepayments      |         7,664 |          7,664 |
| Deferred income tax assets                  |       207,453 |        207,455 |
| Investment property                         |         4,694 |          4,694 |
| Property, plant and equipment               |    26,695,009 |     27,049,393 |
| Intangible assets                           |     1,115,143 |      1,134,738 |
| Total non-current assets                    |    28,039,143 |     28,403,944 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |    29,862,137 |     30,467,661 |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                      |               |                |
| Current liabilities                         |               |                |
| Interest bearing loans and borrowings       |     1,641,126 |      1,655,760 |
| Payables                                    |     1,316,311 |      1,415,762 |
| Deferred income                             |       410,250 |        331,323 |
| Derivatives                                 |       171,111 |        179,842 |
| Total current liabilities                   |     3,538,798 |      3,582,687 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |               |                |
| Interest bearing loans and borrowings       |    16,278,179 |     16,827,627 |
| Other liabilities                           |         1,220 |          1,330 |
| Total non-current liabilities               |    16,279,399 |     16,828,957 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |    19,818,197 |     20,411,644 |
| EQUITY                                      |               |                |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of    |               |                |
| the parent                                  |               |                |
| Share capital                               |     6,738,170 |      6,738,170 |
| Share premium                               |         9,999 |          9,999 |
| Reserves                                    |     1,130,950 |      1,124,409 |
| Retained earnings                           |     2,164,821 |      2,183,439 |
| Total equity attributable to equity holders |    10,043,940 |     10,056,017 |
| of the parent                               |               |                |
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |    10,043,940 |     10,056,017 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                |    29,862,137 |     30,467,661 |

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                    
(unaudited, in thousands of EUR)                                                

| ASSETS                                      |    30.11.2009 |     31.08.2009 |
| Current assets                              |               |                |
| Cash and cash equivalents                   |        41,043 |         49,982 |
| Receivables                                 |        45,502 |         50,986 |
| Prepayments                                 |        10,071 |         11,497 |
| Derivatives                                 |         1,215 |            415 |
| Inventories                                 |        18,679 |         19,015 |
| Total current assets                        |       116,510 |        131,895 |
| Non-current assets                          |               |                |
| Investments in associates                   |           587 |              0 |
| Other financial assets and prepayments      |           490 |            490 |
| Deferred income tax assets                  |        13,259 |         13,259 |
| Investment property                         |           300 |            300 |
| Property, plant and equipment               |     1,706,122 |      1,728,771 |
| Intangible assets                           |        71,271 |         72,523 |
| Total non-current assets                    |     1,792,029 |      1,815,343 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |     1,908,539 |      1,947,238 |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                      |               |                |
| Current liabilities                         |               |                |
| Interest bearing loans and borrowings       |       104,887 |        105,822 |
| Payables                                    |        84,128 |         90,484 |
| Deferred income                             |        26,220 |         21,175 |
| Derivatives                                 |        10,936 |         11,494 |
| Total current liabilities                   |       226,171 |        228,975 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |               |                |
| Interest bearing loans and borrowings       |     1,040,365 |      1,075,482 |
| Other liabilities                           |            78 |             85 |
| Total non-current liabilities               |     1,040,443 |      1,075,567 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |     1,266,614 |      1,304,542 |
| EQUITY                                      |               |                |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of    |               |                |
| the parent                                  |               |                |
| Share capital                               |       430,648 |        430,648 |
| Share premium                               |           639 |            639 |
| Reserves                                    |        72,281 |         71,862 |
| Retained earnings                           |       138,357 |        139,547 |
| Total equity attributable to equity holders |       641,925 |        642,696 |
| of the parent                               |               |                |
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |       641,925 |        642,696 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                |     1,908,539 |      1,947,238 |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
| (unaudited, in thousands of EEK)              |  01.09.2009-|   01.09.2008 - |
|                                               |  30.11.2009 |     30.11.2008 |
| Cash flows from operating activities          |             |                |
| Net loss for the period                       |     -18,618 |        -30,663 |
| Adjustments                                   |     392,982 |        507,786 |
| Changes in assets related to operating        |     114,741 |        174,408 |
| activities                                    |             |                |
| Changes in liabilities related to operating   |       5,706 |       -337,265 |
| activities                                    |             |                |
| Income tax paid                               |         -70 |            -52 |
|                                               |     494,741 |        314,214 |
| Cash flow used for investing activities       |             |                |
| Purchase of property, plant, equipment and    |      -5,490 |       -168,304 |
| intangible assets                             |             |                |
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant,   |      99,721 |          8,318 |
| equipment                                     |             |                |
| Acquisition of associate                      |      -9,180 |              0 |
| Proceeds/-payments from settlement of         |     -14,955 |         12,999 |
| derivatives                                   |             |                |
| Interest received                             |       2,289 |          2,718 |
|                                               |      72,385 |       -144,269 |
| Cash flow from (+)/ used for (-) financing    |             |                |
| activities                                    |             |                |
| Redemption of loans                           |    -573,688 |       -467,526 |
| Change in overdraft                           |       5,136 |        -19,440 |
| Repayment of finance lease liabilities        |      -2,005 |         -2,091 |
| Interest paid                                 |    -136,426 |       -272,834 |
|                                               |    -706,983 |       -761,891 |
| TOTAL NET CASH FLOW                           |    -139,857 |       -591,946 |
| Cash and cash equivalents:                    |             |                |
| - at the beginning of period                  |     782,043 |      1,043,785 |
| - increase (+) / decrease (-)                 |    -139,857 |       -591,946 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period    |     642,186 |        451,839 |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
| (unaudited, in thousands of EUR)              |  01.09.2009-|   01.09.2008 - |
|                                               |  30.11.2009 |     30.11.2008 |
| Cash flows from operating activities          |             |                |
| Net loss for the period                       |      -1,190 |         -1,960 |
| Adjustments                                   |      25,116 |         32,453 |
| Changes in assets related to operating        |       7,333 |         11,147 |
| activities                                    |             |                |
| Changes in liabilities related to operating   |         365 |        -21,555 |
| activities                                    |             |                |
| Income tax paid                               |          -4 |             -3 |
|                                               |      31,620 |         20,082 |
| Cash flow used for investing activities       |             |                |
| Purchase of property, plant, equipment and    |        -351 |        -10,756 |
| intangible assets                             |             |                |
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant,   |       6,373 |            532 |
| equipment                                     |             |                |
| Acquisition of associate                      |        -587 |              0 |
| Proceeds/-payments from settlement of         |        -955 |            831 |
| derivatives                                   |             |                |
| Interest received                             |         146 |            173 |
|                                               |       4,626 |         -9,220 |
| Cash flow from (+)/ used for (-) financing    |             |                |
| activities                                    |             |                |
| Redemption of loans                           |     -36,665 |        -29,880 |
| Change in overdraft                           |         328 |         -1,242 |
| Repayment of finance lease liabilities        |        -129 |           -134 |
| Interest paid                                 |      -8,719 |        -17,438 |
|                                               |     -45,185 |        -48,694 |
| TOTAL NET CASH FLOW                           |      -8,939 |        -37,832 |
| Cash and cash equivalents:                    |             |                |
| - at the beginning of period                  |      49,982 |         66,710 |
| - increase (+) / decrease (-)                 |      -8,939 |        -37,832 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period    |      41,043 |         28,878 |

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
e-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


interim q1 eng final.pdf