Lappland Goldminers report updated ore reserves and mineral resources at the Pahtavaara goldmine.

·         The update will result in an extension of the life-of-mine at

The  ore reserves 1 January, 2010 are 678,000 tonnes with 2,79 grams of gold per
tonne.  During  2009 the  underground  production  of  ore  was  307,000 tonnes.
Exploration drillings, that have been carried out since Lappland Goldminers took
over  the operation,  have partly  replaced the  mined out tonnage. During 2009
around 220,000 tonnes have been added to the mineral reserves.

The estimates do not include the near-by Länsi mineralization. Eight drill holes
from  the autumn  drilling progam  at Länsi  were not  logged and analyzed as of
year-end 2009.

Kjell Larsson, CEO comments:

"It  is very pleasing to be  able to demonstrate that we  are on the right track
for  the Pahtavaara operations. With increasing exploration efforts during 2010
we  are optimistic we can further increase  the reserves and continue the mining
operations for several years going forward."

For  a complete report regarding  the estimates of the  ore reserves and mineral
resources please see the attached document to this news release.

For further Information:

 Kjell Larsson, CEO                            Anders Haker, CFO

 Tel. 0950-275 06, 070-385 03 57               Tel. 070-810 85 59              
 <>               <>

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About  Mangold Fondkommission: <>

Lappland   Goldminers   AB  is  a  producing  mining  company  with  significant
exploration  activities. The Company  is listed on  the market place First North
Premier  under  the  name  GOLD,  with  Mangold  Fondkommission  AB as Certified
Adviser,  as well as on the Norwegian OTC list. Lappland Goldminers' strategy is
to  develop mineral  deposits into  profitable producing  mines. The  Company is
strategically positioned with the Blaiken Gold Operation and the fully permitted
Fäboliden Gold Project in northern Sweden, with the Pahtavaara Gold Operation in
the  north of Finland and with gold deposits  in the Haveri area in the south of
Finland.  Lappland Goldminers is a member of SveMin, the Swedish association for
mines,  minerals and metal  producers, and follows  SveMin's reporting rules for
public mining and exploration companies.



Press release PDF.pdf Resource estimation_Pahtavaara_2010.pdf