As further followed from the press release dated February 19, 2010 the Board of Lappland Goldminers AB has decided to conduct a 100 percent guaranteed convertible issue (convertible bonds) with preferential rights for the company's shareholders. Since the convertible issue is 100 percent guaranteed, the company has secured that it will receive approximately 122 million SEK before issue costs. Since the Board's decision of the convertible issue is conditioned by the approval of the general meeting, the Board has decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting to be held on March 16, 2010 at. 4.00 pm in Stockholm. The only item of the agenda of the upcoming extraordinary general meeting will be the approval of the Boards decision of the convertible issue. The complete notice of the meeting is available on our <> For additional information: Ulf Ericsson, Chairman of the Board Kjell Larsson, CEO Ph: +46 70-529 09 59 Tel. +46 950-275 06, + 4670-385 03 57 <> <> Or see Lappland Goldminers' website <> About Mangold <> Lappland Goldminers AB is a producing mining company with significant exploration activities. The Company is listed on the market place First North Premier under the name GOLD, with Mangold Fondkommission AB as Certified Adviser, as well as on the Norwegian OTC list. Lappland Goldminers' strategy is to develop mineral deposits into profitable producing mines. The Company is strategically positioned with the Blaiken Gold Operation and the fully permitted Fäboliden Gold Project in northern Sweden, with the Pahtavaara Gold Operation in the north of Finland and with gold deposits in the Haveri area in the south of Finland. Lappland Goldminers is a member of SveMin, the Swedish association for mines, minerals and metal producers, and follows SveMin's reporting rules for public mining and exploration companies. [HUG#1389362]
Lappland Goldminers AB (publ) - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting on March 16, 2010 for the approval of the convertible issue with preferential rights for the shareholders
| Source: Lappland Goldminers AB