Vacon PlcStock Exchange Release, 23 March 2010 at 8.00 p.m.

Vacon Plc's annual general meeting was held on 23 March 2010 in Vaasa. The
general meeting approved the company's financial statement for the fiscal year
2009 and discharged the members of the board of directors and the CEO from
liability for the fiscal year 2009. The general meeting adopted the proposal of
the board of directors that a dividend of EUR 0.70 will be paid on each share.
The general meeting adopted the proposal of the board of directors to authorize
the board of directors to resolve to repurchase shares in the company.

The financial statement of Vacon Plc for the fiscal year 2009 was approved.

The general meeting adopted the proposal by the board of directors to pay a
dividend of EUR 0.70 on each share or EUR 10.646.992 in total. The record day
for the dividend payment is 26 March 2010. The dividend will be paid on 6 April

The general meeting discharged the members of the board of directors and the CEO
from liability for the fiscal year 2009. The number of members of the board of
directors was confirmed to be seven (7). Pekka Ahlqvist, Jari Eklund, Jan
Inborr, Mika Vehviläinen and Riitta Viitala were re-elected as members of the
board of directors. Juha Kytölä and Panu Routila were elected as new members of
the board of directors. Jan Inborr was re-elected chairman and Mika Vehviläinen
was elected vice chairman of the board of directors at the constitutory meeting
of the board of directors.

The general meeting resolved to pay the members of the board of directors a
basic fee of EUR 1,250 a month and an additional fee of maximum EUR 2,500 a
month. It was resolved that the chairman of the board of directors shall be paid
twice the basic fee and twice the additional fee paid to the members of the
board of directors.

The number of auditors was confirmed to be one (1). KPMG Oy Ab was re-elected as
the company's auditor with Petri Kettunen as new responsible auditor.

The general meeting resolved to amend the company's Articles of Association's 8
§ so that the notice of the general meeting has to be published at least three
(3) weeks before the meeting, however, at the latest nine (9) days before the
record date for the general meeting, and so that the notice of the general
meeting, in addition to the current means of sending the notice, can be sent to
the shareholders through publishing the notice on the company's website.

The general meeting adopted the proposal of the board of directors to authorize
the board of directors to resolve to repurchase shares in the company. The
proposal of the board of directors was reported in the stock exchange release of
22 February 2010.

All decisions adopted at the general meeting were made unanimously unless
otherwise stated in the minutes of the meeting.

Vacon in brief
Vacon's operations are driven by a passion to develop, manufacture and sell the
best AC drives in the world - and nothing else. AC drives are used to control
electric motors and in renewable energy generation. Vacon has R&D and production
units in Finland, the USA, China and Italy, and sales offices in 27 countries.
In 2009 Vacon had revenues of EUR 272 million and globally employed ca 1,200
people. The shares of Vacon Plc (VAC1V) are quoted on the main list of the
Helsinki stock exchange.

Driven by Drives, <>


Board of Directors

Further information:

Mr. Vesa Laisi, President
Phone +358 (0)40 837 1510,e-mail:

Mr. Jan Inborr, Chairman of the Board
Phone +358 (0)400 203 612, e-mail:

Financial Supervisory Authority
