Starting on Monday, 29 March 2010, the Swedish version of ElektronikGruppen BK AB's annual report for 2009 will be available on the company's website, The printed version of the Swedish annual report will be distributed by mail to those shareholders who have so requested starting on 12 April 2010. The English version of the annual report is expected to be published on the company's website around 15 April 2010. For further information Håkan Lundgren, Head of Corporate Communications, tel +46 8-759 35 79 The information in this press release is subject to the disclosure requirements of ElektronikGruppen pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act, the Financial Instruments Trading Act or the requirements in the listing agreement with NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The information was submitted for publication on 26 March 2010, 14.00 CET.
ElektronikGruppen publishes 2009 annual report in Swedish on corporate website
| Source: ElektronikGruppen BK AB