CORRECTION: On AS “GE Money Bank” general shareholder meeting resolutions

Correction: added information about the ownership of the Bank's shares.

The general AS „GE Money Bank” shareholder meeting was closed at 11.00 a.m. on
March 25, 2010, during which all items included in the agenda were reviewed and
the following resolutions made: 

1. On annual report on the Bank's performance 2009
1.1. Approve the annual report of Joint Stock Company "GE Money Bank" for 2009
(on 67 (sixty-seven) pages). 

2. On 2009 profit appropriation of the Bank 
2.1. The audited result of the Bank for 2009 - losses in the amount of
21,297,000.00 LVL to be added to the result work of the Bank for the previous

3. On selection of audit company of the Bank
3.1. Approve the auditing company KPMG Baltics Ltd. auditor of the annual
report of the group of Joint Stock Company "GE Money Bank" for 2010. 

4. On remuneration of the auditor
4.1. Approve the remuneration of the auditor of the group of the bank in 2010 -
the auditing company KPMG Baltics Ltd., in the amount no more than 42,000.00
LVL (including VAT) per year. 

5. On remuneration to the Supervisory Council members of the Bank
5.1. Not to determine the remuneration for members of the Council of the Bank
for fulfilling duties of members of the Council. 

6. On Audit Committee information on performance in 2009 
6.1. Take into consideration information of the Audit Committee.
6.2. Elect Audit Committee for three years in the following composition - Aleš
Blažek, Herbert Roth and Helen Heslop. 

7. On recalling the Supervisory Council of the Bank and election of the new
composition of the Supervisory Council of the Bank 
7.1. Revoke the Council of the Bank elected by the Resolution of the regular
meeting of shareholders of 30th of October 2009. 
7.2. Elect the Council of Joint Stock Company "GE Money Bank" for three years
in the following structure: 
- Xavier Durand (chairman)
- Aleš Blažek (deputy chairman)
- Alla Konnova Woodson
- Richard L Neff
- Helen Heslop

Xavier Durand 3-year previous work experience:
Since 01/2010 - Present - GE Capital Global Banking Western Europe, Latvia &
Russia - President & CEO 
Since 01/2008 - 12/2009 - GE Capital Global Banking Western Europe - President
& CEO 
05/2005 - 01/2008 - GE Money South West Europe - President & CEO

Helen Heslop 3-year previous work experience:
Since 01/2010 - Present - GE Capital Global Banking Western Europe, Latvia &
Russia - CFO 
03/2008/ - 12/2009 - GE Capital Global Banking Western Europe - CFO
05/2007-02/2008 - GE Money Nordics - CFO
09/2006-01/2007 - GE Money Asia Finance Integration Leader

New members of the Bank's Supervisory Council doesn't own shares of the Bank.

Contact information:
Tija Ezeriņa
Head of Communication Division
GE Money Bank Latvia

Tel.:+371 67024704
Mob.: +371 27876080