RAUTE CORPORATION	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 1 April 2010 at 9.00 a.m.              


The Board of Directors elected by Raute Corporation's Annual General Meeting on 
31 March 2010 has held its organizational meeting.                              

Based on the evaluation of independence, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Erkki       
Pehu-Lehtonen, and members Mr. Risto Hautamäki, Mr. Ilpo Helander, Mr. Mika     
Mustakallio, and Mr. Pekka Suominen are independent of the company.             
Vice-Chairman of the Board, Ms. Sinikka Mustakallio, who has been Chairman of   
Raute Corporation's Supervisory Board 1996-1998 and member of the Board of      
Directors since 1998, is dependent of the company. Chairman of the Board, Mr.   
Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen, and two of the Board members, Mr. Ilpo Helander and Mr.    
Risto Hautamäki, are independent of major shareholders.                         

Raute Corporation's Board of Directors has an Appointments Committee and a      
Working Committee.  Mr. Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen is Chairman of the Appointments     
Committee, and Ms. Sinikka Mustakallio and Mr. Ville Korhonen, a representative 
selected by and from among the major shareholders, are its members. Mr. Erkki   
Pehu-Lehtonen is Chairman of the Working Committee, and Ms. Sinikka Mustakallio 
and Mr. Risto Hautamäki are its members. The Audit Committee's tasks are handled
by the Board of Directors.                                                      

According to the plan, the Board of Directors will convene nine times during the
term of office which commenced on 31 March 2010 and will hold additional        
meetings if necessary.                                                          

RAUTE CORPORATION                                                               

Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen                                                             
Chairman of the Board                                                           

FURTHER INFORMATION:                                                            
Mr. Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen, Chairman of the Board, mobile +358 400 468 084         
Ms. Arja Hakala, Secretary of the Board of Directors, tel. +358 3 829 3293,     
mobile +358 400 710 387                                                         

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd, main media, www.raute.com                              

RAUTE IN BRIEF:                                                                 
Raute is a technology company serving the wood products industry worldwide. Its 
most important customers are the plywood and LVL industries. Raute is one of the
world's leading suppliers of mill-scale projects to these customer industries.  
The total service concept also includes technology services, with which Raute   
supports its customers throughout the entire life cycle of their investments.   
Raute's head office is located in Nastola, Finland. Its other production plants 
are in the Vancouver area of Canada, in the Shanghai area of China, and in      
Kajaani, Finland. Raute's net sales declined significantly due to the difficult 
market situation in 2009 and equaled EUR 36.6 million. The number of personnel  
at the end of 2009 was 524. More information on the company can be found at:    