Convocation of the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Upon 31 03 2010 decision of the Company's Board, ordinary General Shareholder
Meeting of the Company shall be convened on 23rd of April 2010. 
1. Date, time and place of the Company's ordinary General Shareholder Meeting:
23 04 2010, 10 h 30 min., at the Company's registered office address: K. Būgos
g. 7, Kaunas. Registration of the Company's shareholders starts at 10 h 00 min. 

2. Persons entitled to attend and vote at the Company's General Shareholder
Meeting are the persons, who were the Company's shareholders at the end of 16th
of April, 2010, i.e. accounting day of the General Shareholder Meeting. 
        Persons entitled to property rights are the persons, who were the
Company's shareholders at the end of the tenth business day after the General
Shareholder Meeting that has adopted the decision. Day of accounting of
persons' property rights shall be: 7th of May, 2010. 

3. Agenda of the Meeting: 
1. On the Company's Annual Report for the year 2009.
2. Approval of Company's Financial Statements for the year 2009.
3. Profit (Loss) allocation.
4. On appointment of the audit company and terms of remuneration for audit
5. On approval of the Regulations of the Audit Committee of the Company.  
6. On amendment of the Company's Articles of Association.
	The Company does not provide its shareholders with the possibility to attend
and vote at the meeting using electronic communication facilities. 
	Shareholders of the Company, whose shares entitle them to at least 1/20 of all
votes shall be entitled to offer supplementations to the agenda of the meeting.
Together with their offers, shareholders shall provide the Company with draft
resolutions on issues of the agenda, and when no resolution is necessary -
explanations on each additional issue of the agenda of the General Shareholder
Meeting offered by the shareholders. An offer to supplement the agenda of the
meeting shall be delivered in written, by registered mail, addressed to
Company's registered office address. Agenda of the Company's General
Shareholder Meeting shall be supplemented, if the offer is received at least 14
days before the day of the General Shareholder Meeting. 
	Shareholders of the Company shall be entitled to place questions related to
the agenda in advance, in written, by registered mail, addressed to Company's
registered office address. The Company shall be obliged to answer them,
provided that questions are received no later than 3 business days before the
day of the General Shareholder Meeting. 
	Every shareholder of the Company shall be entitled to authorise in accordance
with the Law another person (natural person or legal entity) to attend and vote
at the meeting on his/her behalf. A proxy attending the meeting shall have the
same rights as the shareholder he/she is representing would have, unless the
power of attorney issued to the proxy or the Law provides for narrower rights
of the proxy. The proxy shall provide the Company with a power of attorney of
the form approved in accordance with the Law. A power of attorney issued in a
foreign country shall be translated into Lithuanian and legalised in accordance
with the Law. 
	A shareholder or his/her proxy shall be entitled to vote in written in advance
by filling in the general voting bulletin, provided that he/she has notified
the Company thereon in advance, so that the Company could mail the general
voting bulletin at least 10 days before the day of the meeting by registered
letter or deliver it to the shareholder in person. Filled in general voting
bulletin and the document substantiating the right to vote shall be delivered
to the Company no later than on the last business day before the day of the
meeting by registered mail, addressed to Company's registered office address. 
	Shareholders can make themselves familiar with documents of the ordinary
General Shareholder Meeting and its agenda, draft resolutions on each issue of
the agenda, document to be presented to the meeting, general voting bulletin
form (if any) and other information related to execution of shareholder rights
possessed by the Company on business days, 9.00 to 17.00, in the Company's
registered office address: K. Būgos g. 7, Kaunas. 
	For more information please contact Company by phone: (37) 30 88 00 or (8-5)
2786 065 and browse the Company's website: 

Dalius Balceris
Member of the Supervisory Board
+ 370 5 2786 065