MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING On 1 April 2010, an Extraordinary General Meeting of Forstædernes Bank A/S (CVR no 52 96 98 16) was held at Nykredit's headquarters, Kalvebod Brygge 1-3, DK-1780 Copenhagen V. The only item on the agenda was the merger between Nykredit Bank A/S (CVR no 10 51 96 08) and Forstædernes Bank A/S (CVR no 52 96 98 16). The proposal to merge Nykredit Bank A/S (CVR no 10 51 96 08) and Forstædernes Bank A/S (CVR no 52 96 98 16) with Nykredit Bank A/S as the surviving company and Forstædernes Bank A/S (CVR no 52 96 98 16) as the discontinuing company was presented at the General Meeting. The proposal did not contain any changes to the previous merger plan. The General Meeting passed the proposal unanimously and with all votes. The decision subsequently awaits the approval of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, cf section 204 of the Danish Financial Business Act. …o0o… The General Meeting was adjourned. Copenhagen, 1 April 2010 Michael Reved Chairman of the Meeting