Notice to attend Lindab's Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2010

The shareholders of Lindab International AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the annual general meeting to be held at 1 pm (CET) on Tuesday 11 May 2010 at Ladan i Båstad, in Boarp.


Registration for the annual general meeting begins at 12 noon.

The Notice to Attend is enclosed as an attachment.



The information here is that which Lindab International AB has willingly chosen to make public or that which it is obliged to make public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.






David Brodetsky, CEO


Mobile: +46 (0)73 274 5418


Nils-Johan Andersson, CFO


Mobile:+46 (0)70 668 5075



Lindab - A Ventilation and Building Products company:


Lindab develops, manufactures, markets and distributes products and system solutions primarily in steel for simplified construction and improved indoor climate.


The business is carried out within three business areas, Ventilation, Building Components and Building Systems. The products are characterised by their high quality, ease of assembly, energy efficiency, consideration towards the environment, and are delivered with high levels of service. Altogether, this increases customer value.


The Group had net sales of SEK 7,019 m in 2009, was established in 31 countries and had approximately 4,500 employees. The main market is non-residential construction, which accounts for 80 percent of sales, while residential accounts for 20 percent of sales. During 2009, the Nordic market accounted for 42 percent, CEE/CIS (Central and Eastern Europe as well as other former Soviet states) for 21 percent, Western Europe for 32 percent and other markets for 5 percent of total sales.


The share is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange, Stockholm, Large Cap, under the ticker symbol LIAB. The principal shareholders are Ratos, Sjätte AP-fonden and Skandia Liv. For more information visit


Notice to attend Lindab's AGM