Two New International Board Members Proposed to Strengthen TradeDoubler's Media Trading Position

TradeDoubler's Nomination Committee has decided to propose two new Board members
for election at the Annual General Meeting on 6 May 2010: Martina King and Simon
Turner, both resident in the UK. The Nomination Committee's work has focused on
broadening the Board's international competence, in particular building on
experience from the UK and strengthening insight from an online and media
specific perspective.

The Nomination Committee also proposes that Mats Sundström, Kristofer Arwin,
Heléne Bergquist, Martin Henricson and Caroline Sundewall are re-elected. Lars
Stugemo has decided not to stand for re-election.

The Committee proposes that Mats Sundström is re-elected as Chairman of the
"We are very pleased to propose to the Annual General Meeting two new highly
skilled candidates with an extensive experience of international expansion, the
UK market, e-commerce and online marketing," says Ramsay Brufer of Alecta,
Chairman of TradeDoubler's Nomination Committee.

Martina King, 49, is a highly experienced non executive director with many years
of experience within media. She has previously held permanent positions as
Managing Director for Yahoo's European operation and was the MD of Capital
Radio, the leading commercial station in London. She also has experience in
media sales from time spent at the Guardian and Observer newspapers. King is
professional non executive currently sitting on several notable boards including
the department store Debenhams, the news organisation Johnston Press and the
outsourcing company Capita.

Simon Turner, 58, has long experience as a non executive director and has
extensive experience of the international retail trade within sales and
marketing. He was previously the Managing Director of the Philips Consumer
Electronics division and has held several senior executive positions within the
Dixons Stores Group, with responsibility for areas including sourcing,
purchasing and the supply chain. Early on in his career he gained experience as
a planner for the international advertising agency Young & Rubicam. Turner is
currently a Board Member with Yorkshire Building Society, Identive Group Inc and
Netretail Holding B.V. and has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University
of Surrey.

TradeDoubler's Nomination Committee consists of Ramsay Brufer (Chairman) of
Alecta, Annika Andersson of The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund, Jan
Andersson of Swedbank Robur Fonder and Mats Sundström, Chairman of the Board.

For further information, please contact:
Ramsay Brufer, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, mobile: +46 (0)706-56 92 62

About TradeDoubler
TradeDoubler is an international digital marketing company offering a range of
performance-based marketing solutions. TradeDoubler's products and services
provide companies with the tools and expertise to drive results online whether
they are looking to generate sales, leads or traffic or drive brand awareness.
Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the company boasts a unique global reach
spanning 19 countries in Europe and Japan. With a breadth of expertise across
multiple industry sectors and a network of more than 128,000 website publishers,
TradeDoubler helps deliver results for over 1,700 advertisers around the world.
TradeDoubler supplies 32 billion impressions, reaches 149 million unique
visitors and generates 10 million leads every month and provides access to more
than 76 per cent of the European online audience. Advertisers include Apple
Store, Dell, Telia Sonera and Kelkoo. Please visit
<> for further information.



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