QPR Software looks for new customers and resellers by participating to an official export promotion trip to Novosibirsk


QPR Software Plc is participating to the Finnish export promotion trip to       
Novosibirsk, Russia, headed by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of
Finland in 7-9 April, 2010. During the trip the Company looks for new customers 
who are interested improving and managing their performance and processes, as   
well as strong partners for reselling its software and services in the          
“The export promotion trip shows the good and high level of the official        
relationships between Russian Federation and Finland.It also shows how         
important the Finnish Government and international IT industry, including QPR   
Software, see to serve the whole Russian Federation, not just the capital and   
St. Petersburg areas, “says Mr. Janne Pylväs, Director of QPR Software's        
business in Russia and CIS.                                                     

“QPR Software has very good foothold in Moscow and Central-Russia. Now we want  
to extend our business activities in regions - especially in West-Siberia, Ural 
area and South-Russia. Novosibirsk as the third biggest city in Russia together 
with Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo and Barnaul is a very potential market area for us,” 
says Mger Parunakyan, the Managing Director of QPR Software subsidiary in       
Russia, and continues:                                                          

“We believe that there also is potential to find a local best-of-breed partner  
to co-operate with as Novosibirsk is known as an IT focused city. QPR will visit
the Akademgorodok Technology Park together with the other Finnish IT companies  
and participate to a round table meeting with Novosibirsk administration headed 
by Mr. Tolokonsky, the Governor of Novosibirsk area.”                           

About QPR Software Plc                                                          

QPR Software Plc is an international, highly regarded partner for enterprises   
and public sector in process development and business performance improvement.  
QPR's mission is to help people and organizations to take control of their      
business processes and achieve their goals. QPR software has been implemented in
more than 1,500 organizations across the globe and is provided in more than 20  
languages. QPR was founded in 1991, has its headquarters in Helsinki, Finland   
and subsidiary OOO QPR Software in Moscow, Russia. QPR Software Plc co-operates 
with an extensive network of talented partners in over 50 countries worldwide.  
In 2009 QPR software was delivered to 70 countries. QPR Software's share is     
listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. (ticker: QPR1V).                             

QPR - Quality. Processes. Results.                                              

For more information, please contact:                                           

QPR CIS Ltd                                                                     
Janne Pylväs, Managing Director                                                 
Mobile +358 40 5073979                                                          

OOO QPR Software                                                                
Mger Parunakyan, Chief Executive Officer                                        
Mobile +7 495 978 94 33                                                         