DGAP-News: Východočeská plynárenská, a.s.: Convening of the Annual General Meeting

Východočeská plynárenská, a.s. / AGM/EGM

08.04.2010 19:31 

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        The Board of Directors of Východoceská plynárenská, a.s.

having its registered office at Hradec Králové 4, Pražská 702, 500 04,
registered number: 60108789, incorporated by entry in the Commercial
Register kept by the Provincial Court in Hradec Králové, Section B, Entry
1025 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company')

convenes an Annual General Meeting

to be held on 11 May 2010, commencing at 10:00 a.m., at the Hotel
U Královny Elišky parlour, Malé námestí 117, 500 03 Hradec Králové

Agenda of the Annual General Meeting:

 1. Opening of the General Meeting.

 2. Management Report for 2009, the proposal for the profit distribution
    including the determination of the amount and the manner of payment of
    the dividends and the director's fees and the allocation to individual
    funds; a report relating to matters under Section 118(5)(a) to (k) of
    Act No 256/2004 on Business on the Capital Market, as amended.

 3. Comments of the Supervisory Board on the annual financial statements
    and consolidated financial statements for 2009, including the auditor's
    report and proposal for the profit distribution, on the determination
    of the amount and the manner of payment of the dividends and the
    directors' fees and the allocation to individual funds and on the
    report on the relations between related parties pursuant to Section
    66a(10)  of the Commercial Code.

 4. Approval of the annual financial statements and consolidated financial
    statements for 2009, including the auditor's report, proposal for the
    profit distribution, the determination of the amount and the manner of
    payment of the dividends and the directors' fees, and the allocation to
    individual funds.

 5. Designation of an auditor to audit the 2010 financial statements.

 6. Decision on the alteration of the Company's Articles of Association. 

 7. Removal and election of Members of the Supervisory Board.

 8. Approval of the agreements on performance in the office of Members of
    the Supervisory Board.

 9. Conclusion of the General Meeting.

The registration of shareholders will take place from 9:00 a.m. at the
venue of the Annual General Meeting. The effective date for attendance of
the General Meeting is 4 May 2010. The right to attend and to vote at the
Annual General Meeting is held by shareholders listed in the extract from
the central register or issuer register on the effective date, which is the
seventh day preceding the General Meeting as follows from Section 184(3),
third sentence, of the Commercial Code.

The company published the entire information on the convening of the
General Meeting and the documents for the meeting on its website

08.04.2010 19:31 Ad hoc announcement, Financial News and Media Release distributed by DGAP. Medienarchiv at |[![CDATA[|[a href="http://www.dgap-medientreff.de"|]www.dgap-medientreff.de|[/a|]]]|] and |[![CDATA[|[a href="http://www.dgap.de"|]www.dgap.de|[/a|]]]|]
