no 19/10 Introduction of new CO2 allowance futures and option contracts

Notice to market participants 

The new allowance futures and option contracts will be listed for exchange trading and OTC clearing at NASDAQ OMX Commodities from 7 June 2010.

Both the futures and option contracts will be offered with EUAs (European Union Allowances) and CERs (Certified Emission Reductions) as underlying deliverables. 

The new futures contracts will follow industry standard delivery dates. 

The contracts will be listed for exchange trading at Nord Pool ASA along with the existing EUA and CER spot and forward contracts. Trading of the new EUA and CER futures and options contracts will be possible through the electronic trading system PowerCLICK or through a conformed /en/asa/Markets/ISV/ Independent Software Vendor solution » . Voice execution will be possible through Nord Pool's telephone based system for exchange trading (MTS). 

It will also be possible to register OTC traded EUA and CER futures and option contracts for clearing through the OTC clearing service with NASDAQ OMX Oslo.

The physically delivered EUA and CER futures contracts will be listed on a quarterly expiry cycle, whereby March, June, September and December contract months are listed up to March 2013. In addition, EUA futures contracts with December as expiry month for 2013 and 2014 will be listed.

The EUA and CER options contracts will have the December futures contracts of the relevant year as the underlying instrument. The option contracts will be “European-style” options where the premium is paid at the time of the transaction. Quarterly option contracts for the two immediate subsequent years will be listed. Additional December option contracts will be listed up to December 2012. 

Please see the complete /en/asa/Markets/Downloads-financial-market/Products-and-settlement/Contract-spesification/ product details » .

For further information, please contact NASDAQ OMX Commodities:

MTS (Market Transaction Service), phone +47 6752 8037

About NASDAQ OMX Commodities

NASDAQ OMX Commodities is the brand name for offerings related to commodities within NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc and is not a legal entity.  NASDAQ OMX Commodities provides access to the world's largest power derivatives exchange and one of Europe's largest carbon markets, through Nord Pool ASA. NASDAQ OMX Commodities also provide clearing services through NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB and its Norwegian branch NASDAQ OMX Oslo, acting as an authorised clearinghouse. N2EX is the brand name for NASDAQ OMX Commodities' and Nord Pool Spot AS' offering in the UK power market and NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB is the authorized clearinghouse. NASDAQ OMX Commodities has more than 385 participants from 22 countries covering a wide range of energy producers, consumers and financial institutions.  For more information about NASDAQ OMX Commodities, visit  and .


The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world's largest exchange company. It delivers trading, exchange technology and public company services across six continents, with over 3,800 listed companies. NASDAQ OMX offers multiple capital raising solutions to companies around the globe, including its U.S. listings market, NASDAQ OMX Nordic, NASDAQ OMX Baltic, NASDAQ OMX First North, and the U.S. 144A sector. The company offers trading across multiple asset classes including equities, derivatives, debt, commodities, structured products and exchange-traded funds. NASDAQ OMX technology supports the operations of over 70 exchanges, clearing organizations and central securities depositories in more than 50 countries. NASDAQ OMX Nordic and NASDAQ OMX Baltic are not legal entities but describe the common offering from NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Iceland, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. For more information about NASDAQ OMX, visit .