Aldata Solution Oyj
9 April 2010 at 09.00 a.m. (EET)


The Annual General Meeting of Aldata Solution Oyj was held in Vantaa, Finland,
on April 8th, 2010. Financial statements were confirmed for the fiscal year
2009. The Annual General Meeting decided not to distribute a dividend. The Board
Members and the CEO were discharged from liability.

Confirmation of financial statements and dividend proposal
The meeting approved the parent company's financial statements and consolidated
financial statements for the year 2009 and decided unanimously according to the
Board's proposal that no dividend will be distributed for the year 2009. The
result for the year will be carried forward to the retained earnings account.

Discharging from liability
The Annual General Meeting unanimously discharged the Board members and the CEO
from liability for the fiscal year 2009.

Repurchase of Company shares
The Annual General Meeting unanimously authorized the Board of Directors to
decide on the repurchase of the Company's own shares up to a maximum of
6,800,000 shares. The shares can be acquired using the Company's non-restricted
equity otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders through
public trade on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. at the applicable quoted price. The
proposal by the Board to the Annual General Meeting was approved as such. This
authorization replaces the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting
on 31 March 2009 and is valid until 30 June 2011.

Share Issue and Granting Special Rights
The Annual General Meeting unanimously authorized the Board of Directors to
decide to issue and/or convey new shares and/or the Company's own shares and to
decide to grant the special rights referred to in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the
Companies Act, which carry the right to receive, against payment, new shares of
the Company or the Company's own shares held by the Company. The Board of
Directors is entitled to issue and/or convey a maximum of 14,000,000 shares in
the company. New shares may be issued and the Company's own shares may be
conveyed to the Company's shareholders in proportion to their current
shareholdings in the Company or waiving the shareholder's pre-emption right,
through a directed share issue if the Company has a weighty financial reason for
doing so. The Board of Directors may also decide on a Free Share Issue to the
Company itself. The number of shares to be issued to the Company together with
the shares repurchased to the Company on the basis of the repurchase
authorization shall be a maximum of one tenth (1/10) of all the Company's
shares. The proposal by the Board to the Annual General Meeting was approved as
such. The authorizations replace the authorizations given by the Annual General
Meeting on 31 March 2009 and are valid until 30 June 2011.

Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association
In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Annual General
Meeting unanimously resolved to amend Section 7 of the Articles of Association
to be as follows: "Notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders shall be given to
shareholders no earlier than three (3) months and no later than three (3) weeks
prior to a meeting and at least nine (9) days prior to the record date set for
the meeting as defined in Subsection 2 of Section 2 of Chapter 4 of the
Companies Act by setting the Notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders on
Company's website or by sending the notice to shareholders in a letter posted to
the addresses registered in the Company's list of shareholders. In addition the
Board of Directors may publish the Notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders
in one or more daily newspaper commonly distributed in Finland.  In order to
attend the Annual General Meeting, a shareholder must notify the Company by the
date stated in the notice of the meeting, which may be no more than five (5)
days before the meeting."

The proposal by the Board to the Annual General Meeting was approved as such.

Board of Directors' composition
The Annual General Meeting unanimously resolved to elect six Board Members. The
Annual General Meeting re-elected the following persons as the members of the
Board of Directors: Mr. William Chisholm, Mr. Bertrand Sciard, Mr. Tommy
Karlsson and Mr. Aarne Aktan. Mr. Pertti Ervi and Mr. Pallab Chatterjee were
elected as new members of the Board of Directors.

The Annual General Meeting unanimously resolved that those members of the Board
of Directors who are independent from the Company and/or its most significant
shareholders, Mr. Tommy Karlsson, Mr. Aarne Aktan and Mr. Pertti Ervi, shall be
paid as remuneration EUR 2,100 per month and EUR 400 per each meeting of the
Board of Directors lasting over 15 minutes, and that the non-independent Board
members shall not be compensated for the membership.

The Board convened after the Annual General Meeting. In the meeting Mr. William
Chisholm was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board and Mr. Bertrand Sciard was
re-elected as the Vice Chairman of the Board. The Board resolved to establish an
Audit Committee consisting of Mr. Aarne Aktan (Chairman), Mr. William Chisholm
and Mr. Tommy Karlsson. The Board resolved not to establish other Board

Ernst & Young Oy was re-appointed to be the Company's auditor, under the
supervision of principal auditor Anne Vuorio (APA).

Aldata Solution Oyj
Board of Directors

More information:
Aldata Solution Oyj, Graham Howell, CFO, tel. +33 633 057 620

Aldata 100% Retail-Wholesale
At Aldata 100% of our business is dedicated to retail and wholesale business
improvement. We provide our customers with modern, flexible and integrated
software solutions specifically designed to increase productivity, performance
and profitability. With over 24,000 successful installations across 52
countries, from convenience store to hypermarket, 480+ live warehouses and
customers with 5 to 5,000 outlets, we consistently deliver the goods for retail
and wholesale business improvement. Aldata Solution is a public company quoted
on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd with the identifier ALD1V. More information at:

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
