DRAFTS.Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 23.04.2010.

Reg. No. 40003017297
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 23.04.2010. 

1.	The Management Report on the results of the activities performed 
in the year 2009


1. To approve the report of the JSC “Grobiņa” Board (Management Report), the
Auditor's Opinion on the results of the activities performed by the JSC
“Grobiņa” in the year 2009. 
	2. To release from responsibility the Board members of the JSC “Grobiņa” for
the results of the activities performed in the year 2009. 

2.	The Council Report to the shareholders' meeting on the activities performed
during the accounting year 2009. 


To take notice of the Report of the JSC “Grobiņa” Council.

3.	Approval of the Annual Report 2009


To approve the 2009 Annual Report of the JSC “Grobiņa”.

4.	Distribution of profit of the year 2009


As the JSC “Grobiņa” did not end the year 2009 with profit, the decision on
profit distribution cannot be taken. 

5.	On expressing distrust towards D. Kalniņa, chairman of the JSC “Grobiņa”


To express distrust towards D. Kalniņa, chairman of the JSC “Grobiņa”, due to
breach of the legislation in the activities performed by the JSC “Grobiņa”,
unsatisfactory day-to-day management of the JSC “Grobiņa” resulting in the
Company's operation with loss amounting to LVL 944 969, which makes LVL 1 889
per share. 

6.	On bringing action by the Company against the Company's Board and Council
(against the persons, who were elected, have been elected and performed their
duties during the previous accounting periods) 


Following the procedure stipulated in the Republic of Latvia “Commercial Law”,
Article 172, the shareholders' meeting takes a decision to bring action against
the Board and Council members who were elected and performed  their duties in
the accounting periods 2008 and 2009. 

7.	On internal audit of the JSC “Grobiņa”


The shareholders' meeting of the JSC “Grobiņa” takes a decision to make
internal audit concerning the issues related to the Company's operation and
property status. 

8.	On fixing remuneration for the Council of the JSC “Grobiņa”


To fix remuneration for the JSC “Grobiņa” Council members for performing the
functions of the Council members based on the actual time worked by the Council
members and hourly rate LVL 25. To establish that expenses of the Council
members, which are directly related to proper fulfilment of the duties of the
Council members shall be indemnified as follows: travel expenses - LVL 0.17 per
each kilometre covered, actual postage and communication expenses. 



To fix remuneration for the JSC “Grobiņa” Council members for performing the
functions of the Council members on quarterly basis - LVL 100; for the chairman
of the Council on quarterly basis - LVL 150. 
9.	Approval of the auditor for the year 2010


1. To elect for the year 2010 the JSC “Grobiņa” auditor “Zvērinātu revidentu
firma Kapitāls” Ltd., registration No. 42103010490, LACA license No.6
(responsible auditor Marija Jansone, certificate No.25). 
2. To fix the auditor's remuneration based on the amount of work performed and
according to the provisions of the contract concluded between the JSC “Grobiņa”
and the auditor. 

10.	Election of the Audit Committee

As proposals regarding the candidates for the JSC “Grobiņa” Council have not
been received until now, the JSC “Grobiņa” Council members will be nominated
and approved during the extraordinary shareholders' meeting. 

11.	Discussions and approval of the JSC “Grobiņa” budget for the year 2010


To approve the JSC “Grobiņa” budget for the year 2010.