Central government payments gave a surplus in March

Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 4.4 billion in March. The Debt Office's forecast was a deficit of SEK 10.1 billion. The difference is mainly explained by tax revenue being higher than expected.

Tax revenue was SEK 14 billion higher than calculated. The accumulated difference for February and March is approximately SEK 9 billion. In March, many tax payers have continued to make supplementary tax payments for previous income years. Some of these payments are probably a re-distribution of payments between months. Remaining central government payments largely developed in line with the forecast.

Interest payments on central government debt were SEK 1.5 billion lower than calculated and the Debt office's net lending to government agencies was SEK 2 billion higher than expected.  

For the twelve-month period up to the end of March, central government payments resulted in a deficit of SEK 173 billion. Central government debt amounted to SEK 1,130 billion at the end of March.

The outcome for April will be published at 9.30 am on 7 May 2010.

 Further information can be obtained from:
Sofia Olsson, phone
+46 8 613 47 30





Table with figures