Boskalis holds 97% Smit Shares

Papendrecht, 14 April 2010

Reference is made to the joint press release of Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) and Smit Internationale N.V. (Smit) of 24 February 2010 whereby Boskalis Holding B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Boskalis (the Offeror) announced to make a cash offer for all issued and outstanding shares in Smit (the Shares) at an offer price of EUR 60 per Share (the Offer) and the press release of 27 March 2010, whereby the Offeror declared the Offer unconditional (gestanddoening).

Post Closing Acceptance Period (na-aanmeldingstermijn)

During the post closing acceptance period (na-aanmeldingstermijn) that ended on 13 April 2010 at 18:00 hours, Amsterdam time, 413,905 Shares were tendered for acceptance under the Offer, representing 2.25% of the Shares and an aggregated value of EUR 24,834,300.
Including the Shares that were acquired in the market during the post closing acceptance period, the total number of Shares held by or tendered to the Offeror as per the end of the post closing acceptance period amounts to 17,875,269 Shares, representing 97.32% of the total number of Shares.

Further information     
Boskalis Holding B.V.
Attn: Investor Relations
Rosmolenweg 20
3356 LK Papendrecht
The Netherlands

Smit Internationale N.V.
Waalhaven O.Z. 85
3087 BM Rotterdam
The Netherlands           

Exchange Agent
Rabo Securities                                                
Attn: ECM - Syndication
Amstelplein 1
1096 HA Amsterdam                             
The Netherlands

Copies of the Offer Memorandum are available on the websites of Smit ( and Boskalis ( The Smit and Boskalis websites do not constitute a part of, and are not incorporated by reference into, the Offer Memorandum.


This press release is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer for or an invitation to acquire or dispose of any securities or investment advice or an inducement to enter into investment activity. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire the securities of Smit or Boskalis in any jurisdiction.

The distribution of this press release may in some countries other than the Netherlands, including, but not limited to, the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan, be subject to legal restrictions. Smit, Boskalis and the Offeror, including any of their advisers do not accept any liability for any violation by any person of any such restriction.

This is a release by Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. pursuant to Section 17, paragraph 4 of the Dutch Decree on Public Offers Wft (Besluit Openbare Biedingen Wft) in connection with the public offer by Boskalis Holding B.V. for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares in the capital of Smit Internationale N.V. This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in or into directly or indirectly the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia.

This press release is also published in Dutch; the English version will prevail over the Dutch version.

Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. is a leading global services provider operating in the dredging, maritime infrastructure and maritime services sectors. We provide creative and innovative all-round solutions to infrastructural challenges in the maritime, coastal and delta regions of the world including the construction and maintenance of ports and waterways, land reclamation, coastal defense and riverbank protection. The company holds important home market positions in and outside of Europe and targets all market segments in the dredging industry. It also has positions in strategic partnerships in the Middle East (Archirodon) and in offshore services (Lamnalco). Boskalis has a versatile fleet of over 300 units and operates in over 50 countries across five continents. Including its share in partnerships, Boskalis has approximately 10,000 employees. Boskalis celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2010.

For further information please contact:

Martijn L.D. Schuttevâer
Director of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Telephone:           +31 78 69 69 822 / +31 6 200 10 232
Telefax:                 +31 78 69 69 020               

This press release can also be found on our website


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