Q2 results of the 2009/2010 financial year

In the second quarter (01.12.2009-28.02.2010) of the financial year 2009/2010 AS
Tallink Grupp and its subsidiaries' (The Group) unaudited revenue was EUR 158   
million (EEK 2 472 million), being EUR 9.4 million (EEK 147 million) or 5.6%    
lower than in the second quarter of the previous financial year. While the      
revenues increased in many of the segments the impact to the decrease came from 
the Finland-Germany route in January and February as the ships were in          
maintenance and there were no operations and also from the Finland-Sweden route 
where the Group's  largest cruise ferry Silja Europa had technical problems and 
was out of operations for most of December.                                     

The Group's passenger volumes decreased by 10% in the second quarter compared to
the same period of the previous financial year. The volumes were affected by the
technical issues with Silja Europa, but the key element was also the            
seasonality. While the second quarter is the lowest season in the operations the
importance of the Group's targeted travel offerings and campaigns is higher. The
timing of these sales activities but as well the occurrence of the winter       
holidays has been different in current financial year compared to the low season
of the previous financial year. Thus there has been a high volatility compared  
the February and March traffic figures to the previous year. On a cumulative    
basis the current financial year seven months passenger volumes are however     
positive by 1%.                                                                 

Improvement of the passengers' spending continued in the second quarter of the  
2009/2010 financial year. The total of ticket, restaurant and shops revenues per
passenger increased by approximately 12% compared to the second quarter of      
2008/2009 financial year. The adjusted offering selection, product pricing and a
stronger Swedish krona, but as well the overall improvement in customer         
confidence in the region are influential the increase.                          

The Group's cargo volumes are showing a recovery. Excluding the stop of the     
operations in the Finland-Germany route in January and February the other core  
routes show a total of 5% increase in the cargo volumes in the second quarter.  

The Management continues to focus on the cost efficiency and on the improvement 
of the Group results. The sale or charter of older and non performing vessels is
a high priority. There are currently several negotiations open to either charter
or sell some of the older and non performing vessels.                           

By introducing several new vessels during the previous years the Group has gone 
through significant product improvement. The focus has now moved to the more    
detail level of product development but which is also very important. Although  
the customer satisfaction has shown healthy increase the management continues to
put high efforts on the value of the customer satisfaction and in parallel to   
the personnel development through more extensive specialized education and      
enhanced motivation schemes. The high customer satisfaction, quality product    
offering and happy personnel are key factors for the Group to improve the       
operations and results.                                                         

| Q2 KEY FIGURES          |    Q2 2009/2010    |    Q2 2008/2009    | Change % |
|                         |  EEK   |    EUR    |  EEK  |    EUR     |          |
| Net sales (million)     |  2 472 |       158 | 2 619 |        167 |      -6% |
| Gross profit (million)  |    228 |      14.5 |   355 |       22.7 |     -36% |
| Gross margin            |     9% |           |   14% |            |          |
| EBITDA (million)        |    163 |      10.4 |   234 |       15.0 |     -30% |
| EBITDA margin           |     7% |           |    9% |            |          |
| Net profit/-loss        |   -255 |     -16.3 |  -323 |      -20.7 |      21% |
| (million)               |        |           |       |            |          |
| Net profit margin       |   -10% |           |  -12% |            |          |
| Depreciation & amort.   |    283 |      18.1 |   262 |       16.7 |       8% |
| (million)               |        |           |       |            |          |
| Investments (million)   |     61 |       3.9 |    56 |        3.6 |       9% |
| Weighted average number |        669 882 040 |        669 882 040 |       0% |
| of ordinary shares      |                    |                    |          |
| outstanding during Q2*  |                    |                    |          |
| Earnings per share      |     -0.38 |  -0.02 | -0.48 |      -0.03 |      21% |
|                         |                    |                    |          |
| Number of passengers    |          1 623 522 |          1 807 414 |     -10% |
| Cargo units             |             54 151 |             56 602 |      -4% |
| Average number of       |              6 406 |              6 768 |      -5% |
| employees               |                    |                    |          |
|                         |     28.02.2010     |     30.11.2009     |          |
|                         |    EEK    |  EUR   |    EEK    |  EUR   |          |
| Total assets (million)  |    29 545 |  1 888 |    29 862 |  1 909 |    -1.1% |
| Total liabilities       |    19 733 |  1 261 |    19 818 |  1 267 |    -0.4% |
| (million)               |           |        |           |        |          |
| Interest-bearing        |    17 770 |  1 136 |    17 919 |  1 146 |    -0.8% |
| liabilities (million)   |           |        |           |        |          |
| Total equity (million)  |     9 812 |    627 |    10 044 |    642 |    -2.3% |
| Equity ratio            |     33.2% |        |     33.6% |        |          |
| Number of ordinary      |        669 882 040 |        669 882 040 |       0% |
| shares outstanding*     |                    |                    |          |
| Shareholders' equity    |   14.6 |      0.94 |  15.0 |       0.96 |    -2.3% |
| per share               |        |           |       |            |          |
Net profit margin - net profit / net sales;                                     
EBITDA - Earnings before net financial items, taxes, depreciation and           
EBITDA margin - EBITDA / net sales;                                             
Gross margin - gross profit / net sales;                                        
Net profit margin - net profit / net sales;                                     
Equity ratio - total equity / total assets;                                     
Earnings per share - net profit / weighted average number of shares outstanding;
Shareholder's equity per share - shareholder's equity / number of shares        
* Share numbers exclude own shares.                                             

As an effect of the cost reduction activities the Group's administrative and    
general expenses continued to decrease in the second quarter being EUR 2.4      
million (EEK 37 million) or 19% lower than in the second quarter of the previous
financial year.                                                                 

The Group's EBITDA for the second quarter of the 2009/2010 financial year was   
EUR 10.4 million (EEK 163 million) which is EUR 4.5 million (EEK 71 million) or 
30% less than a year ago. While the operations are fundamentally healthy the    
result in the second quarter was depressed by higher fuel costs in relation to  
higher consumption in the tough ice conditions and also the higher fuel price.  
In the comparable period in the second quarter of the previous financial year   
the fuel prices were at very low levels. Total fuel costs were EUR 8.2 million  
(EEK 129 million) higher in the second quarter of 2009/2010 compared to the     
second quarter of previous financial year. In addition the technical issues with
Silja Europa and maintenance dockings of some vessels had an impact to the      
second quarter results.                                                         

The depreciation of the Group's assets in the second quarter was EUR 1.7 million
(EEK 27 million) higher compared to the second quarter of the previous financial
in result of the new cruise ferry Baltic Queen.                                 

The Group's net financial expenses in the second quarter were EUR 8.6 million   
(EEK 135 million). The improvement of EUR 10.3 million (EEK 161 million)        
compared to the previous financial year is mainly the effect of the lower       
interest expenses and foreign exchange rate gain from SEK/EUR rate movements.   

The Group's unaudited net loss for the second quarter of the 2009/2010 financial
year was EUR 16.3 million (EEK 255 million). In the second quarter of the       
previous financial year the net loss was EUR 20.1 million (EEK 323 million).    

In the second quarter the Group's investments in amount of EUR 3.9 million (EEK 
61 million) were related mostly to the ships' maintenances. It is common in the 
Group's operations that most of the scheduled dockings and bigger maintenance   
works are carried out in the low season.                                        

The Group's fleet renewal program has been completed and thus the Group's       
investment requirement is relatively small going ahead. This helps to           
concentrate on the core operations. As there are no capital commitments then    
more free funds can be used to reduce the Group's net debt.                     

The Management continues to focus on the cost efficiency and on the improvement 
of the Group results. The sales or charters of older and non performing vessels 
have high priority. There are currently several negotiations open to either     
charter or sell some of the older and non performing vessels.                   

In the end of the second quarter the Group's cash and cash equivalents amounted 
to EUR 34.3 million (EEK 537 million) compared to the EUR 28.9 million (EEK 452 
million) a year ago. The higher liquidity position, lower interest payments and 
no capital commitments for the coming periods are increasing the Group's        
strength for smooth and stable operations.


(unaudited, in thousands of EEK) 01.12.2009- 01.12.2008- 01.09.2009- 01.09.2008-
                                 28.02.2010  28.02.2009  28.02.2010  28.02.2009
Revenue                           2,471,947   2,619,011  5,308,780   5,650,360
Cost of sales                    -2,244,420  -2,264,213 -4,570,365  -4,691,564
Gross profit                        227,527     354,798    738,415     958,796
Marketing expenses                 -194,348    -186,978   -421,934    -402,634
Administrative expenses            -156,225    -193,410   -302,471    -369,004
Other income                          1,166         589      8,238       3,745
Other expenses                        2,195      -2,856       -590      -3,127
Results from operating             -119,685     -27,857     21,658     187,776
Financial income                     99,476      10,261    112,205      97,772
Financial expenses                 -234,438    -305,714   -407,128    -639,521
Loss from normal operation         -254,647    -323,310   -273,265    -353,973
before income tax
Income tax                                0         -18          0         -18
Net loss for the period            -254,647    -323,328   -273,265    -353,991
Other comprehensive income/-                                                  
Exchange differences on              22,900       7,790     11,448       1,379
translating foreign operations
Cash flow hedges                       -485     -26,317     17,508    -110,543
Other comprehensive income/-         22,415     -18,527     28,956    -109,164
expense for the period
Total comprehensive income/-       -232,232    -341,855   -244,309    -463,155
expense for the period
Loss attributable to:                                                         
  Equity holders of the parent     -254,647    -323,328   -273,265    -353,991
Total comprehensive income/-                                                  
expense attributable to:
  Equity holders of the parent     -232,232    -341,855   -244,309    -463,155
Earnings per share (in EEK per                                                
  - basic                             -0.38       -0.48      -0.41       -0.53
  - diluted                           -0.38       -0.48      -0.41       -0.53


(unaudited, in thousands of EUR) 01.12.2009- 01.12.2008- 01.09.2009- 01.09.2008-
                                 28.02.2010  28.02.2009  28.02.2010  28.02.2009
Revenue                             157,986     167,385    339,293     361,124
Cost of sales                      -143,445    -144,710   -292,100    -299,846
Gross profit                         14,541      22,675     47,193      61,278
Marketing expenses                  -12,422     -11,950    -26,967     -25,733
Administrative expenses              -9,984     -12,361    -19,331     -23,584
Other income                             75          39        527         240
Other expenses                          140        -183        -38        -200
Results from operating               -7,650      -1,780      1,384      12,001
Financial income                      6,358         656      7,171       6,249
Financial expenses                  -14,983     -19,539    -26,020     -40,873
Loss from normal operation          -16,275     -20,663    -17,465     -22,623
before income tax
Income tax                                0          -1          0          -1
Net loss for the period             -16,275     -20,664    -17,465     -22,624
Other comprehensive income/-                                                  
Exchange differences on               1,463         497        732          89
translating foreign operations
Cash flow hedges                        -31      -1,682      1,119      -7,065
Other comprehensive income/-          1,432      -1,185      1,851      -6,976
expense for the period
Total comprehensive income/-        -14,843     -21,849    -15,614     -29,600
expense for the period
Loss attributable to:                                                         
  Equity holders of the parent      -16,275     -20,664    -17,465     -22,624
Total comprehensive income/-                                                  
expense attributable to:
  Equity holders of the parent      -14,843     -21,849    -15,614     -29,600
Earnings per share (in EUR per                                                
  - basic                             -0.02       -0.03      -0.03       -0.03
  - diluted                           -0.02       -0.03      -0.03       -0.03


(unaudited, in thousands of EEK)                                              
ASSETS                                                    28.02.2010 31.08.2009
Current assets                                                                
Cash and cash equivalents                                    536,638    782,043
Receivables                                                  621,617    797,762
Prepayments                                                  267,919    179,892
Derivatives                                                   17,086      6,493
Inventories                                                  279,494    297,527
Total current assets                                       1,722,754  2,063,717
Non-current assets                                                            
Investments in associates                                      9,180          0
Other financial assets and prepayments                         7,007      7,664
Deferred income tax assets                                   207,453    207,455
Investment property                                            4,694      4,694
Property, plant and equipment                             26,498,311 27,049,393
Intangible assets                                          1,095,321  1,134,738
Total non-current assets                                  27,821,966 28,403,944
TOTAL ASSETS                                              29,544,720 30,467,661
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                                        
Current liabilities                                                           
Interest bearing loans and borrowings                      1,604,146  1,655,760
Payables                                                   1,375,302  1,415,762
Deferred income                                              374,604    331,323
Derivatives                                                  212,293    179,842
Total current liabilities                                  3,566,345  3,582,687
Non-current liabilities                                                       
Interest bearing loans and borrowings                     16,165,431 16,827,627
Other liabilities                                              1,236      1,330
Total non-current liabilities                             16,166,667 16,828,957
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                         19,733,012 20,411,644
Equity attributable to equity holders of                                      
the parent
Share capital                                              6,738,170  6,738,170
Share premium                                                  9,999      9,999
Reserves                                                   1,153,365  1,124,409
Retained earnings                                          1,910,174  2,183,439
Total equity attributable to equity holders                9,811,708 10,056,017
of the parent
TOTAL EQUITY                                               9,811,708 10,056,017
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                              29,544,720 30,467,661


(unaudited, in thousands of EUR)                                              
ASSETS                                                   28.02.2010 31.08.2009
Current assets                                                                
Cash and cash equivalents                                    34,297     49,982
Receivables                                                  39,729     50,986
Prepayments                                                  17,123     11,497
Derivatives                                                   1,092        415
Inventories                                                  17,863     19,015
Total current assets                                        110,104    131,895
Non-current assets                                                            
Investments in associates                                       587          0
Other financial assets and prepayments                          447        490
Deferred income tax assets                                   13,259     13,259
Investment property                                             300        300
Property, plant and equipment                             1,693,551  1,728,771
Intangible assets                                            70,004     72,523
Total non-current assets                                  1,778,148  1,815,343
TOTAL ASSETS                                              1,888,252  1,947,238
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                                        
Current liabilities                                                           
Interest bearing loans and borrowings                       102,524    105,822
Payables                                                     87,898     90,484
Deferred income                                              23,942     21,175
Derivatives                                                  13,568     11,494
Total current liabilities                                   227,932    228,975
Non-current liabilities                                                       
Interest bearing loans and borrowings                     1,033,159  1,075,482
Other liabilities                                                79         85
Total non-current liabilities                             1,033,238  1,075,567
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                         1,261,170  1,304,542
Equity attributable to equity holders of                                      
the parent
Share capital                                               430,648    430,648
Share premium                                                   639        639
Reserves                                                     73,713     71,862
Retained earnings                                           122,082    139,547
Total equity attributable to equity holders                 627,082    642,696
of the parent
TOTAL EQUITY                                                627,082    642,696
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                              1,888,252  1,947,238


(unaudited, in thousands of EEK)
                                                       01.09.2009 - 01.09.2008
                                                         28.02.2010 28.02.2009
Cash flows from operating activities                                          
Net loss for the period                                    -273,265   -353,991
Adjustments                                                 961,261  1,048,050
Changes in assets related to operating                      105,211    435,376
Changes in liabilities related to operating                 -83,141   -362,948
Income tax paid                                                -763       -258
                                                            709,303    766,229
Cash flow used for investing activities                                       
Purchase of property, plant, equipment and                  -66,628   -224,337
intangible assets
Proceeds from disposals of property, plant,                  99,721     17,693
Acquisition of associate                                     -9,180     -6,120
Proceeds/-payments from settlement of                       -30,543      1,524
Interest received                                             2,492      5,232
                                                             -4,138   -206,008
Cash flow from (+)/ used for (-) financing                                    
Proceeds from loans                                               0    187,759
Redemption of loans                                        -573,688   -888,080
Change in overdraft                                         -21,510    103,791
Repayment of finance lease liabilities                       -2,447     -3,875
Interest paid                                              -352,925   -541,029
                                                           -950,570 -1,141,434
TOTAL NET CASH FLOW                                        -245,405   -581,213
Cash and cash equivalents:                                                    
- at the beginning of period                                782,043  1,043,785
- increase (+) / decrease (-)                              -245,405   -581,213
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                  536,638    462,572


(unaudited, in thousands of EUR)
                                                       01.09.2009 - 01.09.2008
                                                         28.02.2010 28.02.2009
Cash flows from operating activities                                          
Net loss for the period                                     -17,465    -22,624
Adjustments                                                  61,436     66,983
Changes in assets related to operating                        6,725     27,826
Changes in liabilities related to operating                  -5,314    -23,197
Income tax paid                                                 -49        -16
                                                             45,333     48,972
Cash flow used for investing activities                                       
Purchase of property, plant, equipment and                   -4,259    -14,337
intangible assets
Proceeds from disposals of property, plant,                   6,374      1,131
Acquisition of associate                                       -587       -391
Proceeds/-payments from settlement of                        -1,952         97
Interest received                                               159        334
                                                               -265    -13,166
Cash flow from (+)/ used for (-) financing                                    
Proceeds from loans                                               0     12,000
Redemption of loans                                         -36,665    -56,759
Change in overdraft                                          -1,375      6,633
Repayment of finance lease liabilities                         -157       -248
Interest paid                                               -22,556    -34,578
                                                            -60,753    -72,952
TOTAL NET CASH FLOW                                         -15,685    -37,146
Cash and cash equivalents:                                                    
- at the beginning of period                                 49,982     66,710
- increase (+) / decrease (-)                               -15,685    -37,146
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                   34,297     29,564

Janek Stalmeister
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel. +372 6409 800
e-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


interim q2 eng.pdf