Audited result of AB LIETUVOS ELEKTRINE for the year 2009.

AB Lietuvos elektrine(Company code110870933 ,Headquarters: Elektrines
Republik of Lithuania.)
The financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards. 
The audited   result of the company‘s for the year 2009.
•	the audited profit before taxes LTL 63,09 million(EUR   18,27 million)
            (during the previours year was LTL 6,47  million (EUR  1,87
million) the profit 
•	the sales income of the year 2009 comprised LTL 417,45 million
(EUR   120,90 million.),
(during the previous year was LTL 395,59 million (EUR 114,57 million)).
•	the audited  net profit LTL  90,67 million (  26,26 EUR million.)
            ( during the previous year was LTL 34,32 mln.(EUR 9,94  million)
the net loss. 
Audited results for 2009 differed from the earlier announced preliminary
results. The increase in net profit was caused by the decrease in income tax
expenses due to tax relief for investment projects in progress. 

Inclosure audited annual information of the company‘s: 
Independent Auditor‘s Report, Confirmation of the Management ,annual Report and
 audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2009. 

CFO                              Rolandas Jankauskas
tel.+370 528 33743


audituota 2009 en.pdf