Proceedings at annual general meeting in Auriga Industries A/S

Company announcement no. 3/2010
April 23, 2010


On April 22, 2010, Auriga Industries A/S held its annual general meeting at the
company's offices in Harboøre, Denmark, the agenda being as enclosed with the
notice of meeting of March 29, 2010. 

The annual report for 2009 was adopted, including resolution on the discharge
of the obligations of the Board of Executives and the Board of Directors and
approval of the remuneration for the Board of Directors. Resolution concerning
the appropriation of the net profit for the year, including dividend of DKK
2.40 per share of DKK 10.00 was adopted. 

On the recommendation of the Board of Directors, Erik Højsholt, Povl
Krogsgaard-Larsen, Karl Anker Jørgensen and Jan Stranges were reelected as
members of the Board of Directors. Jutta af Rosenborg and Torben Svejgård were
elected new members of the Board of Directors, while Johannes Jacobsen had
decided to step down. 

On the recommendation of the Board of Directors, Deloitte, statsautoriseret
revisionsaktieselskab, was reappointed as the company's auditors. 

On the recommendation of the Board of Directors, the amendments of the Articles
of Association entailed by the new Danish Public Companies Act were adopted.
The proposal from the Board of Directors concerning the insertion of a new
Articles 7.5 on electronic communication was adopted. 

The chairman of the annual general meeting, lawyer Steffen Ebdrup, was
authorised by the annual general meeting to notify and register the amendments
of the Articles of Association with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. 

A resolution authorising the Board of Directors to let the company acquire
treasury shares representing up to 10% of the share capital was adopted. 

The Board of Directors held its first meeting after the general meeting at
which Erik Højsholt was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors and Povl
Krogsgaard-Larsen was elected Deputy Chairman. 



President & CEO Kurt Pedersen Kaalund: tel. +45 7010 7030
Vice President Jens Ole Jensen: tel. +45 7010 7030


announcem-after-agm-2010 uk.pdf