REMINDER: Decision to suspend trading in LNS1L, KBL1L, UTR1L, SAN1L shares due to the general meetings of shareholders

Decision of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Board (06-04-2010, Minutes No. 119) 
To suspend Automatic Order Matching of these financial instruments on
28-04-2010 from 12.00 EET. Trading will be renewed by a separate decision of
the Market Services Department after company's announcement through the
information system of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius: 
Linas ORS (LT0000100661  LNS1L) 
Due to general meeting of shareholders (to be held on 28-04-2010 ). 
Approval of the annual accounts. 
To suspend Automatic Order Matching of these financial instruments on
28-04-2010 from 11.00 EET. Trading will be renewed by a separate decision of
the Market Services Department after company's announcement through the
information system of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius: 
Klaipedos Baldai ORS (LT0000102972  KBL1L)
Utenos Trikotazas ORS (LT0000109324  UTR1L)
Due to general meeting of shareholders (to be held on 28-04-2010 ). 
Approval of the annual accounts. 

Decision of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Board (16-04-2010, Minutes No. 120)

To suspend Automatic Order Matching of these financial instruments on
28-04-2010 from 14.00 EET. Trading will be renewed by a separate decision of
the Market Services Department after company's announcement through the
information system of the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius: 
Sanitas ORS (LT0000106171  SAN1L)    
Due to general meeting of shareholders (to be held on 28-04-2010). 
Approval of the annual accounts. 

Market Services Department
+370 5 272 36 11