IT - INET Nordic - Blow Thru Protection Currently in the test environment (50/10)

NASDAQ OMX is currently testing the new functionality called Blow Thru
Protection in the INET Nordic test environment, OTF. 
The purpose of Blow Thru Protection is to provide protection to the market
place as a whole from roughly priced orders. 

Blow Thru definition in short
Blow-thru compares an inbound order's price to the last sale. If the order's
price is deemed too aggressive, the order will be tamed by converting the order
to an IOC, and backing the price off to the "blow thru price". 
Please read additional information on attached document.

This initiative is currently out on member consultation no decision on
production launch is taken. 

If you have any questions regarding this Exchange Notice please do not hesitate
to contact your Key Account Manager for more information 

Best regards 

