NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Announcement no. 8/2010 Extract from Minutes of General Meeting On Wednesday 28 April 2010 at 3 pm the Annual General Meeting of Maconomy A/S was held at the Com-pany's address, Vordingborggade 18, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø. The general meeting was convened with the following agenda: 1. The Board of Directors' statement on the company's business in the past year. 2. Presentation of the company's audited annual report and consolidated financial statements for approval. 3. Decision on the allocation of profits or cover of losses in accordance with the approved annual report. 4. Election of members for the Board of Directors. 5. Election of auditor 6. Proposals from the Board of Directors. a. Authorisation to the Board of Directors to let the company acquire its own shares up to 10% of the share capital, cf. Danish law. The compensation must not deviate from the closing price on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen by more than 10% at the time of acquisition. b. Proposal for the authorisation of the Board of Directors to issue warrants. c. The Board of Directors proposes the following amendments to the company Articles of Association in order to align them with the new Danish Companies Act (act no. 470 from 12 June 2009). 7. Proposals from the shareholders. 8. Miscellaneous. - 0 - Re. 1 - The board of directors' statement on the company's business in the past year. The statement of the board of directors was taken into account. Re. 2 - Submission of the company's audited annual report and consolidated annual report for adoption Approval of the company's audited annual report and consolidated annual report was adopted unanimously. Re. 3 - Decision on the allocation of profits or cover of losses according to the adopted annual report and the consolidated annual report. The proposal for carrying the profit after deduction of tax for the year of DKK 22.1 million forward to "retained earnings" under equity and thereby to the next financial year, and that no dividend be paid out to the company's shareholders for 2009 was adopted unanimously. Re. 4 - Election of members to the board of directors The proposal for the election of Thomas David Hartwig, John Andersen, Jens Christian Lorenzen and Henrik Egefeld Schimming as members of the company's board of directors was adopted unanimously. Re. 5 - Election of auditor The proposal for the re-election of PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab as the Company's auditors was adopted unanimously. Re. 6 - Proposals from the board of directors All proposals of the board of directors were adopted unanimously. Re. 7 - Proposals from the shareholders No proposals to be debated. Re. 8 - Miscellaneous No proposals to be debated As Chairman and secretary of meeting: Michael Vinther Attorney, Accura For additional information on this announcement contact: Hugo Dorph, CEO, tel. +45 35 27 79 00, e-mail: Jan Muurmand, FD, tel. +45 35 27 24 55, e-mail: - 0 - This announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. The Danish version is to be considered the original version for official purpose and in case of any discrepancies between the two versions the Danish version shall prevail.