Annual General Meeting of Q-Med AB (publ)

The Annual General Meeting of Q-Med AB (publ) was held on April 28, 2010 at 3

The meeting decided that a dividend of 1.50 SEK per share shall be paid to the

Board and fees
The meeting adopted a resolution to re-elect the following members of the Board:
Bertil Hult, Ulf Mattsson, Anders Milton, Kristina Persson and Bengt Ågerup for
the period up until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. Eva Redhe
Ridderstad was elected as a new member of the Board. The meeting also re-elected
Anders Milton as the Chair of the Board.

The meeting also adopted a resolution that Board fees of 1,200,000 SEK in total
be paid for the period 2010/2011, in accordance with the proposal of the
Election Committee, with 400,000 SEK to the Chair of the Board, 200,000 SEK to
each of Ulf Mattsson, Kristina Persson, Bertil Hult and Eva Redhe Ridderstad.
Bengt Ågerup shall not receive a Board fee.

Auditors' fees shall be paid in accordance with reasonable invoicing.

An unchanged fee of 200,000 SEK in total shall be paid for work on the audit
committee, with 100,000 SEK to the Chair of the committee and 50,000 SEK to each
of the other two committee members.

Election Committee
The meeting adopted a resolution that the election committee shall consist of
five members, with Robert Wikholm as the Chair and Bengt Ågerup and Anders
Milton as members elected by the Annual General Meeting, as well as two further
members who are to be appointed by the Chair no later than the third quarter of
2010, representing the largest institutional owners according to Euroclear
Sweden AB's share register as of August 31. In the event that either of the two
latter members of the election committee should leave their assignment during
the mandate period, the Chair of the election committee shall appoint a
successor from the institutional shareholder which at the time has the largest

Principles for remuneration
The meeting adopted a resolution on principles for remuneration and other
conditions of employment for senior management in accordance with the proposal
of the Board.

Queries should be addressed to:
Carina Bolin, General Counsel
Tel: +46 70 974 9117
Kristin Ermanbriks, Manager Corporate Administration
Tel: +46 70 974 9071

Q-Med  AB is a medical device  company that develops, manufactures, markets, and
sells  high quality medical implants for  esthetic and medical use. The majority
of  the products are based on  the company's patented technology, NASHA(TM), for
the  production of stabilized non-animal  hyaluronic acid. The product portfolio
today  contains: Restylane® for filling lines and folds, contouring and creating
volume  in the  face, Macrolane(TM)  for body  contouring, Durolane(TM)  for the
treatment  of  osteoarthritis  of  the  hip  and  knee  joints,  Deflux® for the
treatment of vesicoureteral reflux, VUR, (a malformation of the urinary bladder)
in  children, and  Solesta® for  the treatment  of fecal incontinence. Sales are
made  through  the  company's  own  subsidiaries  or  distributors  in  over 70
countries. Q‑Med today has about 650 coworkers, with almost 400 at the company's
head  office and production facility  in Uppsala, Sweden. Q-Med  AB is listed in
the Mid Cap segment of the NASDAQ OMX Nordic.

Q-Med AB (publ), Seminariegatan 21, SE-752 28 Uppsala, Sweden. Corporate
identity number 556258-6882.
Tel: +46(0)18-474 90 00. Fax: +46(0)18-474 90 01.
<>. Web: <>.



Press release.pdf