Change in total number of shares in Opcon AB

Change in total number of shares in Opcon AB 

With reference to chapter 4 section 9 of the Swedish law (1991:980) regulating
trading in financial instruments, Opcon hereby announces that the number of
shares in Opcon AB as of 30 April 2010 amounts to 25,159,227, an increase of
627,204 shares compared with last month. The increase is due to newly issued
shares in connection with the rights issue performed by Opcon as a result from
the public offer to the shareholders of Tricorona and which has now been
registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

For further information, please contact
Niklas Johansson, vice president, Investor Relations, tel. +46 8-466 45 00, +46
70-592 54 53

Opcon AB, Box 15085, 104 65 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel. +46 8-466 45 00, faxm+46 8-716 76 61

About Opcon
Opcon is an energy and environmental technology Group that develop, produces and
markets systems and products for eco-friendly, efficient and resource-effective
use of energy.

Opcon has activities in Sweden, China, Germany, the UK and Denmark. Opcon has
about 380 employees. The company's shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm.
The Group comprises three business areas:

Renewable Energy focuses on generating electricity from waste heat, bioenergy,
systems for handling natural gas, industrial cooling, recycling of heat, drying
of biomass, treatment of flue gases, handling systems for bioenergy, etc., air
systems for fuel cells and measurement and monitoring of processes. 

Engine Efficiency focuses on ignition systems for combustion engines including
ethanol, natural gas and biogas engines. 

Mobility Products focuses on technology for positioning, motion and regulation
for electrical vehicles, electrical wheelchairs and hospital beds.

