AB LIETUVOS ELEKTRINE the actyvity pre-audited result for the 1Q of 2010

AB Lietuvos elektrine (Company code110870933, Headquarters: Elektrines
St.21, Elektrenai Republic of Lithuania) have been prepared in accocdance with
the International Financial Reporting Standards. 

The unaudited result of the Company‘s for the 1Q 2010 :  
•	the loss before taxes LTL   2.26 million (EUR  0.65 million)
            (during the previours year was LTL 15.05 million (EUR 4.36 million)
the loss. 
•	the sales income comprised LTL 265.06  million  (EUR   76.77million.)
(during the previours year was LTL  113.54 million (EUR 32.88 million)).
•	net loss LTL 0.35 million (EUR     0.10million)  
( during the previours year was LTL  13.86  million, ( EUR    4.01  million))
the net loss. 

Interim Financial Statements for the three months of 2010 , confirmacion  by
responsible persons 

CFO  Rolandas Jankauskas
tel.+370 528 33743


2010 i ketv.en.pdf