Press release from the Annual General Meeting of Billerud AB (publ) held on 4 May 2010

Press release from the Annual General Meeting of Billerud AB (publ) held on 4
May 2010

Decisions made at the meeting

The meeting decided, in accordance with the Board's proposal, that SEK 0.50 per
share should be distributed to the shareholders and that the record date for the
dividend should be 7 May 2010. The dividend is estimated to be delivered from
Euroclear Sweden AB on 12 May 2010.

Election of Board members and Chairman of the Board
The meeting decided to re-elect Ingvar Petersson, Gunilla Jönson, Michael M.F.
Kaufmann, Per Lundberg, Ewald Nageler, Yngve Stade and Meg Tivéus as ordinary
Board members and that no deputy members were to be elected. The meeting also
decided to re-elect Ingvar Petersson as Chairman of the Board and Michael M.F.
Kaufmann as Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Nominations Committee for 2011 Annual General Meeting
The meeting decided that the nominations committee shall comprise a maximum four
members. The Chairman of the Board shall be the secretary of the Nominations
Committee. During the autumn of 2010 the Chairman shall contact the major
shareholders (judged by size of shareholding) regarding the formation of a
Nominations Committee. The names of the members of the Nominations Committee,
and the names of the shareholders they represent, shall be published six months
at the latest before the 2011 Annual General Meeting and be based upon the known
shareholding immediately before the announcement. Unless Committee members
decide otherwise, the chairman of the Nominations Committee shall be the member
representing the largest shareholder (judged by size of shareholding). The
Committee forms a quorum when more than half of its members are present.

Transfer of shares due to the decision on Long Term Incentive Programme at the
Annual General Meeting of 2007 ("LTIP 2007")
The meeting decided in order to fulfill its obligations under the LTIP 2007 on
transfer of a maximum of 160,000 of the company's own shares to be transferred
to participants in the LTIP 2007 in the form of so-called matching shares and
performance shares and that the Board shall be entitled to transfer a maximum of
50,000 shares of the total own possession of shares in Billerud, in order to
cover certain costs, mainly social security costs, relating to LTIP 2007.
Transfer of the shares shall be affected on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm at a price
within the price interval registered at each time for the share. The reasons for
the deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights are that it is an
advantage for Billerud to transfer shares in accordance with the proposal in
order to meet the requirements of the approved incentive program.
The introduction of Long Term Incentive Programme 2010 and transfer of shares
under the Long Term Incentive Programme ("LTIP 2010")
The meeting decided on the introduction of LTIP 2010 and of transfer of shares
under LTIP 2010. LTIP 2010 comprises a total of maximum 90 managers and other
key employees within the Billerud Group. To participate in LTIP 2010, the
participants must purchase Billerud shares at market price on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm. Previously held Billerud shares may also be included in the required
investment. Thereafter, the participants will, after a three year vesting
period, free of charge, be alloted Billerud shares, provided that certain
conditions are fulfilled, such as certain performance conditions relating to
financial targets during the period 2010-2012.

Authorisation for the Board to decide on the transfer of the company's own
The Meeting decided to authorise the Board, during the period up to the next
Annual General Meeting, on one or more occasions and with deviation from
preferential rights for shareholders, to decide on transfer of Billerud own
shares that the company holds at the time of the Board's decision, either to a
third party as payment in connection with acquisition of companies, and/or as a
transfer on the stock exchange in order to raise liquid funds for payment in
connection with such acquisitions.

Furthermore the meeting decided to adopt the income statement and the balance
sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance
sheet for 2009, on discharge from personal liability for Board Members and the
CEO for their administration for the year 2009, on fees for Board Members and
remuneration for Committee work and fees for the auditors, and to approve the
Board's proposal for guidelines for remuneration to senior executives.

Solna on 4 May 2010
Billerud AB (publ)

Per Lindberg
President and CEO

For further information, please contact:
Per Lindberg, President and CEO, +46 8 553 335 01 or +46 70 248 15 17
Bertil Carlsén, CFO, +46 8 553 335 07 or +46 730 211 092

The information is such that Billerud is obligated to publish under the Swedish
Securities Market Act. Submitted for publication at 18.20 p.m. on 4 May 2010.

Billerud's business concept is to offer demanding customers packaging materials
and solutions that promote and protect their products - packaging that is
attractive, strong and based on renewable materials. Billerud has a
world-leading position within several product segments including paper for
consumer packaging and industrial applications. Production takes place at three
integrated pulp and paper mills in Sweden and at one paper mill in the UK.

