PuraMed BioScience Retains Media4Equity for 12-Month Multimedia Marketing Campaign

Campaign to Generate in Excess of $2 Million Equivalent Ad Value

SCHOFIELD, Wis., June 21, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PuraMed BioScience (OTCBB:PMBS), announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Media4Equity and its parent company, NewsUSA, for a multimedia marketing campaign over the next 12 months.

Media4Equity uses its media and marketing clout and contacts to help strong emerging growth companies grow faster. Media4Equity and its parent company NewsUSA has serviced more than 5,000 clients, including AOL, HBO, MetLife, NASDAQ, Visa, JPMorgan, Chase, and Wal-Mart, as well as clients in the health sector, such as American Cancer Society, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Headache Foundation, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Johnson & Johnson.  Media4Equity will put its extensive staff, resources and 25 years of media syndication experience behind this launch as CEO Rick Smith and Executive Editor Jacob Maurer direct the 12-month multimedia campaign through newspaper, Internet, radio and social media coverage and documentation.  The equivalent ad value for the number of guaranteed placements equals approximately $2 million, ensuring that the campaign will raise awareness of PuraMed and LipiGesic™ M on a national basis through extensive coverage.

Through their long-standing relationships with over 16,000 media outlets and multiple distribution techniques that include the NewsUSA Web site, Associated Press-style copy, SEO copy, NewsUSA social networking sites and blogs, NewsUSA lists reach newsfeeds monitored by thousands of editors and webmasters nationally and internationally.  NewsUSA also issues audio news releases, which are sent to stations across the country. Media4Equity and NewsUSA have successfully delivered billions of dollars of ad value equivalency to clients nationwide.  More information can be found at www.newsusa.com.

"This campaign will augment our go-to market strategy and bring needed attention to our company and our brand," said PuraMed BioScience CEO Russell Mitchell.  "This marketing effort will not only make our direct response marketing efforts more profitable but also enhance the retail launch of our LipiGesic™ M migraine product scheduled for the third quarter of 2010."

Mitchell continued, "Media4Equity will be paid monthly at a rate of $20,000 at our discretion of stock or cash.  Any stock issued to Media4Equity will have a minimum value of $1 regardless of the current stock price.  We feel this arrangement provides us with flexibility in payment options for this marketing campaign which we strongly believe will raise awareness of LipiGesic™ M.  We can also utilize this campaign to reach a wider audience as we announce developments over the coming months, such as the results of our clinical study and our national retail launch."

LipiGesic™ M may be purchased by calling 877-851-2190 or visiting www.mymigrainegone.com or www.lipigesic.com. The Company's two-minute direct response television commercial is available for viewing on these websites as well.

About the Company:

PuraMed BioScience, Inc. engages in the research, development and marketing of non-prescription medicinal and healthcare products.  In addition to its leading product LipiGesic™ M, which provides acute relief from migraine headaches; the Company also has plans to launch LipiGesic™ PM that provides a remedy for insomnia and other sleep disorders as well as LipiGesic™ H for common tension headaches.  For more information on PuraMed, visit the Company website at www.PuraMedBioScience.com, join the Company's group page on Facebook by searching "PuraMed BioScience" and follow the Company on Twitter at www.twitter.com/puramed.

Forward Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding PuraMed BioScience and its future business plans, which statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties.  Such risks and uncertainties may cause actual results and future achievements of PuraMed BioScience to be materially different than those implied by these forward-looking statements.  PuraMed BioScience has and undertakes no obligation to provide public updates and revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in its expectations of future events.


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