On 30 June 2010, Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated floating-rate bonds, which Eik Banki has, the option of redeeming early. The issue will have a nominal value of DKK 1,000,000,000 and has been acquired in advance by one or more qualified investors. The bonds will be issued at par and redeemed at par at maturity on 30 June 2013, unless they have been redeemed early. The issue is guaranteed by the Financial Stability Company on behalf of the Danish state. The bonds will be admitted for trading on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S as from 30 June 2010. The bonds have the following ISIN: DK0030246798. For further details please see enclosed information material. Sincerely Marner Jacobsen Finn Danberg CEO Director, CFO For further information please contact: Marner Jacobsen, Group CEO, tel. +298 348 000 - marner.jacobsen@eik.fo Finn Danberg, Director, Group CFO, tel. +298 548 610 - finn.danberg@eik.fo Further information on Eik Banki P/F: www.eikbank.com