Max Bank to issue a floating-rate bond loan

Max Bank to issue a floating-rate bond loan On 28 June 2010, Max Bank will issue
a three-year floating-rate bond loan in the nominal amount of DKK 350m, see     
enclosed information material. 
The bond loan, which is senior capital, carries interest based on 3 months'     
CIBOR. The interest rate is fixed two banking days prior to the beginning of    
each interest payment period. The interest rate for the initial interest payment
period has been fixed at 1.425% per year. The loan is repayable on 28 June 2013 
unless the bonds have been repaid prior to this date. 
This issue is made within Max Bank's individual limit for government-guaranteed 
loan issues, see agreement with Finansiel Stabilitet A/S (the Financial         
Stability Company).
The bond loan, which has been pre-taken by institutional investors, will be     
quoted on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen under ISIN code DK0030248067.   
Any questions should be submitted to Flemming Jørgensen, Finance and Investment 
Manager, or Henrik Lund, Chief Executive Officer.                               

Yours faithfully
 Max Bank A/S   

      Flemming Jørgensen                               Henrik Lund      
Finance and Investment Manager                   Chief Executive Officer
    Phone + 45 55 78 01 41                            

Stock exchange announcement no 20/2010


20. selskabsmeddelelse 350 mio. kr. nykreditlan uk.pdf