Resolutions of the regular general meeting of AS Järvevana held on 30 June 2010:

1. Endorsement of the annual accounts for 2009
The general meeting of shareholders decided to approve the annual accounts of
AS Järvevana for 2009. 

2. Decision regarding the distribution of profits
The general meeting of shareholders decided to approve the net loss for the
financial year 2009 totalling 2.1 million kroons and not to distribute the
retained profit among the shareholders. 

3. Approval of auditor appointed for the financial year 2010
The general meeting of shareholders decided to approve the company of auditors,
AS PricewaterhouseCoopers, as the auditor of AS Järvevana in the financial year
2010 and the company of auditors will be paid the fees, stipulated in the
contract to be concluded. 

4. Overview of the progress of the land-swap court case by attorney-at-law Mr
Leon Glikman 
The general meeting of shareholders decided to appraise the information,
disclosed under the item of agenda, and not adopt any resolutions. 

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK

Toomas Annus
Member of Management Board
+372 6 805 400