Orange County Business Council Responds to State Budget Proposal: Unleash the Beast!

IRVINE, CA--(Marketwire - August 4, 2010) -  The following is a statement by the Orange County Business Council:

"On the 34th day of the budget impasse, the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) is pleased to see that state elected officials have finally resumed the difficult task of attempting to balance California's budget. California's Democratic leaders have shown some creativity in shifting some of California's budget burden to the federal government. And, since California is a donor state, getting more of the tax dollars Californians pay to Washington back to California is a good thing. However, OCBC is amazed by the lack of understanding of basic economic principles in Sacramento. It is impossible to be 'for' jobs and 'against' business. Sales tax decreases are good but by eliminating business tax breaks that encourage job growth, the proposed plan chills economic recovery. 

We actually do see a framework for a real solution here and urge the discussions to continue. And while you are talking, consider as well some serious economic stimulus that won't cost the state more of its overstretched dollars -- including incentivizing more public-private partnerships and design-build authority, completing the transportation 'fixes' to SB375 and streamline environmental reviews which will spur both housing and infrastructure activity, creating jobs now when we need jobs the most. California's private sector is the only path out of this recession. Unleash the beast: by encouraging business growth, cutting regulations, curtailing frivolous lawsuits, and reducing taxes, business invests, grows, hires, and legitimate state revenues increase."

About OCBC:
The Orange County Business Council is the leading voice of business in Orange County, California. OCBC represents and promotes the business community, working with government and academia, to enhance Orange County's economic development and prosperity in order to preserve a high quality of life. OCBC serves member and investor businesses with nearly 200,000 employees and 2,000,000 worldwide. In providing a proactive forum for business and supporting organizations, OCBC helps assure the financial growth of America's fifth largest county. For more information, visit

Contact Information:

Dan Nasitka
(949) 794-7245