IT - INET Nordic - Testing of Nordic@Mid available in INET Nordic OTF / GCF4 as of October 13, 2010 (157/10)

As earlier communicated in IT Notice 113/10, 124/10, 132/10 and 146/10, NASDAQ
OMX exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Iceland will introduce
Nordic@Mid facility on November 15, 2010. 

Launch is subject to the final NASDAQ OMX Nordic Member Rules approval in
Finland. Nordic@Mid functionality has received CESR and local Nordic FSAs
approval in all countries. 

Following orders books will be configured and available for testing in INET
Nordic OTF/GCF4: 
The full list of order books with identifiers and minimum order values is
presented in attached excel. 

For full details please see the attachment.

Best regards,
Nasdaq OMX Nordic


nordicmid test order books157-10.xlsx it_exchange_notice_nordicmid_20101012_157-10.pdf