Alm. Brand A/S, which is the parent company of the Alm. Brand Group, has today increased its indirect holding of shares in Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S. Alm. Brand A/S exercises its indirect holding of shares in Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S through its wholly-owned subsidiary Alm. Brand Bank A/S, which holds the shares directly. Following the increase, Alm. Brand A/S indirectly holds 1,107,752 shares in Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S (1 A share and 1,107,751 B shares). Accordingly, Alm. Brand indirectly holds a total of 79.26 % of the share capital (comprising 12.12% A share capital and 67.13% B share capital) and indirectly holds a total of 90.08% of the votes (57.97% votes attaching to A shares and 32.11% votes attaching to B shares). Alm. Brand A/S exercises its indirect holding of shares in Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S through its wholly-owned subsidiary Alm. Brand Bank A/S, which holds the shares directly. Alm. Brand A/S is a subsidiary of Alm. Brand af 1792 fmba. Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to Bo Chr. Alberg, Managing Director, on tel. +45 35 47 48 49 or Susanne Biltoft, Head of Information and Investor Relations, on tel. +45 35 47 76 61. Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S Søren Boe Mortensen Chairman