HIGHLIGHTS Weak conditions on markets in Central Europe depress result. January - September Net turnover amounted to SKr 1,023.5 million (1,128.6). The operating result declined to a loss of SKr 8.8 million (profit 15.2). The consolidated result after tax was a loss of SKr 16.2 million (loss 1.9). The loss per share amounted to SKr 1.20 (loss 0.18). Third quarter Net turnover amounted to SKr 471.0 million (503.2). The operating profit improved in relation to last year and amounted to SKr 48.4 million (47.7). The consolidated profit after tax amounted to SKr 32.2 million (29.1). Earnings per share amounted to SKr 2.39 (2.72). Significant events during the third quarter As part of the new plant structure whereby the number of production units will be reduced, the factory property in Moss, Norway was divested for a capital gain of SKr 4.2 million. A provision of SKr 9 million to cover the cost of the closure was taken against the third quarter result. During the third quarter Stefan Tilk took over as the new Managing Director and CEO, Göran Eklund as the new CFO and Christer Berntsson as Purchasing and Logistics Manager. Forecast for 2010 Given that the road-marking market in Europe as a whole is expected to be weak in 2010, Geveko's turnover is expected to be lower than in 2009, when it amounted to SKr 1,435 million. The operating result is expected to be negative, in line with last year's or lower. Financial information 2011 Year-end communiqué 2010 25 February 2011 Annual Report 2010 April 2011 AGM 2011 28 April 2011 Interim Report January-March 2011 28 April 2011 Contact for information Stefan Tilk, Managing Director and CEO Telephone: +46 (0) 31 17 29 45 Mobile: +46 (0) 702 499 419 stefan.tilk@geveko.se The information in this interim report is such that AB Geveko is required to publish under the terms of the Securities Market Act and/or the Act concerning Trading in Financial Instruments.The information was released for publication at 10.45 a.m. on 29 October 2010. AB GEVEKO (publ) Co. Reg. No. 556024-6844 Box 2137, S-403 13 Göteborg, Sweden. Telephone +46 (0) 31 17 29 45,info@geveko.se, www.geveko.se The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link: [HUG#1458108]
Interim report January - September 2010
| Source: Geveko, AB