Announcement under section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act

Announcement no. 48-2010 
                                                                 8 November 2010
Company Announcement                                                            
Announcement under section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act             
Pursuant to section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act Amagerbanken hereby
reports the following information                                               

Name:	Mr. Henrik Håkonsson                                                      
Reason:	Member of the Board of Directors                                        
Issuer:	Amagerbanken Aktieselskab                                               
ISIN code:	06003710                                                             
Designation:	Shares                                                             
Transaction:	Sale                                                               
Market:	Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen                                                   
Trading date:	08.11.2010                                                        
Number:	127,187                                                                 
Market price:	DKK 355,487.67                                                    

Name:	Henrik Håkonsson Holding ApS                                              
Reason:	Related to Mr. Henrik Håkonsson, member of the Board                   
	of Diretors                                                                   
Issuer:	Amagerbanken Aktieselskab                                               
ISIN code:	06003710                                                             
Designation:	Shares                                                             
Transaction:	Sale                                                               
Market:	Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen                                                   
Trading date:	08.11.2010                                                        
Number:	230,813                                                                 
Market price:	DKK 645,122.34                                                    

                                Yours faithfully                                
                            A M A G E R B A N K E N


uk omx 48-2010 - announcement under section 28a af dansih securities trading act.pdf