New York Business Group on Health and The Leapfrog Group Honor Three New York City Hospitals for Commitment to Patient Safety and Quality

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - November 10, 2010) - The New York Business Group on Health (NYBGH), a non-profit coalition of 175 employers, and The Leapfrog Group, an employer-backed health advocacy organization, today honored three New York City hospitals for their ongoing commitment and dedication to patient safety and quality health care.

NYU Langone Medical Center in Manhattan and the Moses Division of Montefiore Medical Center in The Bronx were each awarded the New York Business Group on Health-Leapfrog Group Award for Outstanding Performance in Patient Safety and Quality. Jacobi Medical Center of The Bronx received the award for Most Improved Performance in Patient Safety and Quality. The inaugural awards were presented today at the New York Business Group on Health's annual meeting held in New York City.

"We are very pleased to honor these three outstanding hospitals for their dedication to assuring patients and employers that they are fully committed to improving the overall quality of healthcare," said Laurel Pickering, executive director of the New York Business Group on Health. "These hospitals and their leaders should be proud of their initiatives and the contributions each has made toward improving the quality and safety of our healthcare system."

NYU Langone Medical Center and Montefiore Medical Center: Moses Division were selected based on their results on The Leapfrog Hospital Survey and for making great strides in achieving several of Leapfrog's hospital quality and safety practices including computerized physician order entry, percutaneous coronary intervention, and intensive care unit (ICU) staffing by physicians experienced in critical care medicine. Jacobi Medical Center was also selected based on its Leapfrog Hospital Survey results and for making great strides in showing progress in their high-risk delivery processes and also their ICU staffing by physicians experienced in critical care medicine.

"The Leapfrog Group nationally recognizes and honors hospitals that are leading the way with initiatives for delivering the best quality of care in the country," said Leah Binder, CEO, The Leapfrog Group. "We are delighted to collaborate with the New York Business Group on Health this year and, for the first time, to recognize local hospitals who share both organizations' vision and commitment to improving the overall quality of our nation's healthcare system."

About The Leapfrog Group
The Leapfrog Group ( uses the collective leverage of large purchasers of health care to initiate breakthrough improvements in the safety, quality, and affordability of health care for Americans. The Leapfrog Group was founded in November 2000 by the Business Roundtable and is now independently operated with support from its members.

About the New York Business Group on Health
The New York Business Group on Health (NYBGH) is an employer-driven coalition dedicated to improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare, locally and nationally. The NYBGH is a not-for-profit coalition of 175 employers, unions, health plans, providers and other healthcare organizations operating in NY, NJ and CT. Since 1982, NYBGH has been leveraging the power of healthcare purchasers to drive healthcare reform and aid employers in their quest for value in the healthcare system. For more information, visit

Contact Information:

Ed Emerman

Company ProfileNew York Business Group on Health