SACRAMENTO, CA--(Marketwire - February 24, 2011) - Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Executive Director Timothy Quinn issued the following statement regarding a report issued today by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), "Managing California's Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation."
"The PPIC has once again offered a thoughtful, wide-ranging look at California's water supply and ecosystem challenges. We appreciate the attention the authors bring to the issues and their courage in forcing those involved in the water policy debate to think outside the box.
"Anyone reading the report will find plenty to agree with and plenty to debate. While many recommendations are consistent with ACWA policy principles, some ideas are provocative and would be widely opposed in the water community. For example, the report's calls for State Water Resources Control Board jurisdiction over groundwater and the imposition of fees and a public goods charge on already overtaxed local public water agencies are sure to provoke lively debate.
"At the same time, some things that may be supported in the water supply community would probably be opposed by others. Ideas such as reconciling environmental and human uses of water rather than 'restoring' the environment, modifying the Endangered Species Act, and vigorously promoting water transfers would find support among many ACWA members, but could be controversial with other interests.
"We should keep in mind that the Legislature made some powerful changes to water policy in 2009 when it enacted a package based in no small part on previous work by the PPIC. That package provides a foundation for moving forward with comprehensive solutions. Let's debate the provocative ideas offered in this latest report, but not let that debate slow down progress on implementing the policy reforms we agreed to in 2009."
ACWA is a statewide association of public agencies whose 450 members are responsible for about 90% of the water delivered in California. For more information, visit
Contact Information:
Jennifer Persike
ACWA Director of Strategic Coordination and Public Affairs
916/296-3981 (cell)