Just in Time for Heart Health Month... Triple Cardiovascular Health Support From EcoNugenics

The ONLY Formula to Combine 6 Scientifically Proven Ingredients, Featuring Nattokinase, That Support a Healthy Heart, Healthy Bood Pressure, and Healthy Circulation: Circutol(TM)

SANTA ROSA, Calif., Feb. 28, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just in time for Heart Health Month, EcoNugenics introduces CIRCUTOL™ Cardiovascular Health Support. EcoNugenics has once again demonstrated excellence in being at the forefront of the latest developments in natural alternative health solutions.


  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Supports healthy circulation
  • Supports healthy blood pressure
  • Scientifically researched formula

Unique Ingredient Provides Heart Support

The key ingredient in Circutol is Nattokinase.

Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from the Japanese superfood Natto, a popular fermented soybean dish. Volumes of laboratory and clinical studies have revealed this single enzyme's ability to support healthy blood pressure and maintain circulatory health.  This formula promotes comprehensive heart health: Two specialty botanicals Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus pinnatifida), and Chinese salvia (Salvia miltiorrhiza; two Medicinal mushrooms, Certified Organic Ganoderma lucidium, commonly known as Reishi, and Cordyceps sinensis, & completing the formula is the naturally occurring compound, L-carnitine. To purchase Circutol or to learn more, visit the EcoNugenics.

About EcoNugenics

All EcoNugenics formulas are substantiated by scientific research, designed to address specific health concerns, and are based on the thoughtful blending of Modern Science with the Ancient Wisdom of traditional and complementary therapies. Visit www.econugenics.com, or call 800-308-5518.  

About Better Health Publishing

Better Health Publishing (BHP) focuses on the publication of key works promoting health and wellness. BHP believes that education and accessible information are the core components of a healthy and sustainable society.

Amy Pellegrini
Communications Coordinator
Better Health Publishing
(707) 583-8622

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