Registration of bond loan issued by Nordea Hypotek AB (14/11)

NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB has decided to register the following loan with effect from May 3rd, 2011. The loan will be registered at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB’s submarket Benchmark Bonds.


          Nordea Hypotek AB, bond loan No 5527

          Duration: June 15th, 2010 – June 15th, 2016

          Fixed coupon: 4,50 %

          Coupon date: Annually June 15th. The first time being June 15th, 2011.

          Short name: NBHB 5527

          ISIN code: SE0003949874

          Orderbook ID: 76439

          Board lot: SEK 100 000

          Denomination: nom. SEK 100 000

           Agent: Nordea Hypotek AB

