07:00 London, 09:00 Helsinki, 11 May 2011 - Ruukki Group Plc (“Ruukki” or “the Company”) (LSE: RKKI, OMX: RUG1V) Interim Report



- Ruukki continued its strategic transformation into a pure mining and minerals business by finalising the sale of its house building business
- Chromex assets, which were acquired in the fourth quarter of 2010, were integrated into FerroAlloys business
- Production increased to 87,808 (29,661) tonnes
- Preparations for strengthening the organisation continued during the period and in May a new CEO and COO were appointed


- Revenue and EBITDA improved
- Revenue from continuing operations was EUR 34.8 (30.1) million, representing a growth of 15.6 percent
- EBITDA from continuing operations was EUR 3.5 (-0.5) million and EBITDA margin was 9.9%
- EBIT from continuing operations was EUR -3.6 (-6.9) million
- Profit for the period from continuing operations totalled EUR -3.1 (-5.3) million
- EUR 40.8 million gain on disposal of the house building business was recognised
- Earnings per share (undiluted) was EUR 0.17 (-0.01)
- Cash flow from operations was EUR 3.8 (4.5) million and liquid funds at 31 March were EUR 89.2 (59.0) million (31 December 2010: EUR 8.6 million).

EUR million     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change % Q1-Q4/2010
Revenue 34.8 30.1 15.6% 123.3
EBITDA 3.5 -0.5   -8.4
EBITDA margin 9.9% -1.8%   -6.8%
EBIT -3.6 -6.9   -75.6
EBIT margin -10.2% -22.8%   -61.3%
Earnings before taxes -3.9 -6.7   -76.3
Earnings margin -11.2% -22.3%   -61.8%
Profit for the period, continuing
-3.1 -5.3   -65.3
Profit for the period, discontinued
43.0 0.8 5,057.0% 14.2
Profit for the period 39.9 -4.4   -51.1
Earnings per share, undiluted 0.17 -0.01   -0.22
Return on equity, % p.a. 62.7% -6.2%   -19.6%
Return on capital employed, % p.a. 44.2% -3.9%   -15.2%
Equity ratio, % 48.9% 51.6%   44.3%
Gearing 11.3% 23.4%   46.6%
Personnel 770 642 19.9% 722

Continuing operations include the Speciality Alloys business segment, the FerroAlloys business segment and other operations that consist of Group headquarters and other Group companies, which do not have significant business operations. Discontinued operations include the house building, pallet and sawmill businesses.

Commenting on the Q1 results, Thomas Hoyer, CEO, said:

“I am pleased to report an increase in the revenue and improvement in the profitability of our operations for the quarter. Profitable growth is our key focus in 2011. Our balance sheet and financial position is strong and our liquidity improved substantially as a result of the sale of the house building business.

During the first quarter we continued the implementation of our strategy to become a fully integrated mining and minerals processing company with the finalisation of the divestment of our house building business and with the integration of the Chromex assets, namely the Stellite mine, into our FerroAlloys business. In addition to progress at our South-African FerroAlloys business we have also achieved significant growth in revenues and in profits at our Speciality Alloys business in Turkey and in Germany.

I believe the recent appointment of Theuns de Bruyn as the Group’s Chief Operating Officer, effective 1 July 2011, will further strengthen the executive management team as we seek to both optimise and grow our FerroAlloys business in South Africa.”


The Board has not changed the outlook after financial statements review was published on 24 February 2011.

The Board’s decision to focus solely on the mining, smelting and metals processing business and to dispose the wood assets has had a significant impact on the Group’s structure. The Group’s area of business will now be dedicated to the mining and minerals sector and, therefore, the Group’s financial performance will be more dependent on the general market conditions of this sector, especially in chrome.

2011 will be the year where Ruukki refocuses its operations according to its growth strategy, further develops its existing mining, smelting and minerals processing assets and evaluates potential acquisition targets.

There is general uncertainty as to how demand during 2011 will develop. However, Ruukki expects global demand for the Company’s ferroalloys products to be higher in 2011 compared to that of 2010, which is expected to result in higher prices and improved financial performance.

Fluctuations of exchange rates between Euro, South African Rand, Turkish Lira and US Dollar can significantly impact the Company’s financial performance.

News conference

A news conference for media and analysts will be held on 11 May 2011 at 15.00 Finnish time, 13.00 UK time, at Hotel Haven, Unioninkatu 17, Helsinki, Finland.

Investor Conference Call

Management will host an investor conference call in English on 11 May 2011 at 16.30 Finnish time, 14.30 UK time. Please dial-in at least 10 minutes beforehand, quoting the reference: 894909.

Finnish Toll-free +358 (0)9 2313 9202

UK Toll-free +44 (0)207 1620 177

Thomas Hoyer

For additional information, please contact:

Ruukki Group Plc
Thomas Hoyer, CEO, +358 (0)45 6700 491,
Kalle Lehtonen, General Manager: Finance, +358 (0)400 539 968,
Markus Kivimäki, General Manager: Corporate Affairs, +358 (0)50 3495 687,

Investec Bank Plc
Stephen Cooper, +44 (0)20 7597 5104,

RBC Capital Markets
Martin Eales, +44 (0)20 7653 4000,
Peter Barrett-Lennard, +44 (0)20 7653 4000,

Financial reports and other investor information are available on the Company’s website.

Ruukki Group is a natural resources company with a mining and minerals business in southern Europe and southern Africa. The Company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (RUG1V) and the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (RKKI).

London Stock Exchange
main media


This Interim Report is prepared in accordance with the IAS 34 standard and is unaudited. All the figures in this interim report related to the house building, pallet and sawmill businesses are categorised as discontinued operations. All the corresponding comparable figures from the first quarter of 2010 are presented in brackets, unless otherwise explicitly stated.


From beginning of 2011 the Company has two reporting business segments; FerroAlloys and Speciality Alloys business segments. This new segment reporting reflects the Company’s transformation into a pure mining, smelting and metals processing company.

The FerroAlloys business segment consists of the South African minerals business. The Speciality Alloys business segment includes the Southern European minerals business. The revenue and costs of the Company’s sales and marketing arm RCS, which was previously reported under Southern European minerals business, will now be allocated to the two new business segments in proportion to their sales. The Group’s other operations, including the Group’s headquarters and other Group companies, which do not have significant business operations, are presented as unallocated items.

Previously Ruukki reported the Southern European and the South African minerals businesses as part of the Minerals business segment. Ruukki has recently announced the sales of its Wood Processing businesses, including the house building, pallet and sawmill businesses, and those are classified as discontinued operations.




EUR million     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change % Q1-Q4/2010
Revenue 34.8 30.1 15.6% 123.3
EBITDA 3.5 -0.5   -8.4
EBITDA margin 9.9% -1.8%   -6.8%
EBIT -3.6 -6.9   -75.6
EBIT margin -10.2% -22.8%   -61.3%
Profit for the period,
43.0 0.8 5,057.0% 14.2
Profit for the period 39.9 -4.4   -51.1

Discontinued operations include the house building, pallet and sawmill businesses.

Revenue for the first quarter was EUR 34.8 (30.1) million representing a growth of 15.6 percent. This rise in revenue was mainly due to the increased production volumes and price increases in the Speciality Alloys business.

EBITDA for the quarter was EUR 3.5 (-0.5) million and profit for the period was EUR 39.9 (-4.4) million, which includes EUR 40.8 million gain on disposal of the house building business.

Earnings per share was 0.17 (-0.01) and return on capital employed 44.2% (-3.9%).


The Group’s liquidity, as at 31 March 2011, when taking into account cash and cash equivalents as well as short-term deposits, increased substantially to EUR 90.0 million (31 December 2010: 19.2), of which EUR 89.2 million relate to continuing operations (31 December 2010: EUR 8.6 million).

During the review period the Company received EUR 75.4 million cash from disposal of its house building business. Operating cash flow was EUR 3.8 (4.5) million. Ruukki’s gearing at the end of first quarter decreased significantly to 11.3% (31 December 2010: 46.6%). Net interest-bearing debt of the continuing operations was EUR 10.2 (31 December 2010: 98.2) million.

As at 31 March, the Group had an unused credit facility of USD 55 million in place. The facility is available to be drawn down until 31 December 2011.

Total assets on 31 March 2011 totalled EUR 556.3 (31 December 2010: 557.0) million. Equity ratio was 48.9% (31 December 2010: 44.3%).


Capital expenditure during the first quarter totalled EUR 0.7 (2.7) million. The expenditure related primarily to yearly maintenance of the Company’s production plants.

On 20 January 2011 Ruukki signed an agreement to sell its Finnish house building business, Pohjolan Design-Talo Oy, to funds managed by CapMan. The sale was completed on 2 March 2011 and all the conditions of the agreement to complete the transaction were fulfilled. The consideration paid in cash at the closing was EUR 75.4 million.

On 31 January 2011 Ruukki signed a letter of intent to sell its 51 percent holding in Junnikkala Oy to Junnikkala Oy’s minority shareholders for a total consideration of EUR 6 million. The signing of the definitive agreements is subject to a number of conditions, including the availability of financing and certain corporate approvals including those required for a related party transaction.

On 1 March 2011 Ruukki signed an agreement to sell the shares of its Finnish pallet business, Oplax Oy, to a group of investors for a total consideration of approximately EUR 9 million, paid in cash and with a vendor note of EUR 1.5 million. On 8 April 2011 all the conditions of the agreement were fulfilled to complete the transaction and the sale was completed.


At the end of the first quarter 2011, Ruukki’s number of employees in continuing operations, totalled 770 (642). The number of employees increased both in Speciality Alloys and FerroAlloys businesses. The average personnel during first quarter of 2011 was 691 (640).

The number of personnel by segment:

      Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change %   Q4/2010
Speciality Alloys 413 355 16.3% 396
FerroAlloys 347 273 27.1% 316
Other operations 10 14 -28.6% 10
operations total
770 642 19.9% 722


Ruukki’s target is to provide a safe and healthy workplace for everyone working in the mines and production facilities. Ruukki is working constantly to improve processes and practices to prevent injuries and accidents and this focus will increase in 2011. The Company is in the process of implementing a lost time injury metrics system in conformance with the internationally recognised standards.

Ruukki aims to organise its operations in a sustainable way and preserve the environment by minimising the environmental impact of its operations and continuously improving its processes and facilities. Ruukki also has programmes in place to address its impact on the environment and in 2011 Ruukki continues environmental studies in its South African processing facilities.



The Speciality Alloys business consists of TMS, the mining and beneficiation operation in Turkey, and EWW, the chromite concentrate processing plant in Germany. TMS supplies EWW with high quality chromite concentrate which produces speciality products including Specialised Low Carbon and Ultralow Carbon Ferrochrome. Excess Chrome Ore is exported from TMS directly to China. As at 31 March 2011, the business had 413 (355) employees.

Production in tonnes:

Tonnes     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change % Q1–Q4/2010
Mining*  19,998 6,549 205.4% 54,917
Processing 6,881 1,943 254.2% 17,994

* Including both chromite concentrate and lumpy ore production

Production totalled to 26,879 (8,492) metric tonnes in the first quarter of 2011. Increase in production was mainly due new concentration plant in Turkey which was commenced during the second quarter of 2010 and increased production of lumpy material.

EUR million     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change % Q1–Q4/2010
Revenue 20.2 12.1 66.4% 69.0
EBITDA 5.0 -0.2   7.8
EBITDA margin 25.0% -1.9%   11.3%
EBIT 0.7 -4.4   -10.0
EBIT margin 3.2% -36.4%   -14.5%

Revenue for the period was EUR 20.2 (12.1) million, representing growth of 66.4 percent. EBITDA for the period was EUR 5.0 (-0.2) million. Growth both in revenue and EBITDA was driven by increased prices compared to the equivalent period as well as increased production through new processing plant in Turkey, which was commenced in second quarter 2010 and increased production of lumpy material.


The FerroAlloys business consists of the integrated Stellite mine and the alloy processing plant, Mogale and the Mecklenburg mine development project in South Africa, as well as the Zimbabwean mine development project Waylox. The business produces Charge Chrome Ferrochrome, Silico Manganese and Stainless Steel Alloy (chromium-iron-nickel alloy). As at 31 March, the business had 347 (273) employees.

Production in tonnes:

Tonnes     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change % Q1–Q4/2010
Mining* 31,987 N/A   N/A
Processing 28,942 21,169 36.7% 65,040

* Including both chromite concentrate and lumpy ore production

Production increased to 60,929 (21,169) tonnes. The increase in production was mainly due to the mining asset, Stellite, which was acquired in December 2010.

EUR million     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Change % Q1–Q4/2010
Revenue 14.6 17.8 -18.0% 54.0
EBITDA 0.0 2.7 -98.2% -1.0
EBITDA margin 0.3% 15.3%   -1.8%
EBIT -2.6 0.6   -50.2
EBIT margin -17.5% 3.3%   -93.0%

Revenue for the quarter was EUR 14.6 (17.8) million, representing a decrease of 18.0 percent. EBITDA for the quarter was EUR 0.0 (2.7) million. The decrease in revenue was mainly driven by stocking of alloy products due to weak price development in the first quarter and by the postponement of certain deliveries in mining operations from the first quarter of 2011 to the second quarter of 2011. The EBITDA includes EUR 1.6 (0.0) million costs related to feasibility studies for the two new DC furnaces and power plant.


On 2 March 2011 the Group concluded the sale of its house building business subsidiary Pohjolan Design-Talo Oy and on 8 April 2011 the sale of pallet business subsidiary Oplax Oy. The Group has also signed a letter of intent to sell its 51 percent holding in its sawmill business Junnikkala, which were included in the Wood Processing segment. On the Group’s income statement, the Wood Processing businesses have been presented as a discontinued operation. The assets related to Oplax and Junnikkala have been presented on the Group’s statement of financial position as assets held for sale. Also the liabilities related to those assets are shown on a separate line as liabilities held for sale.

Profit for the period from discontinued operations was EUR 43.0 (0.8) million, including a EUR 40.8 million gain on disposal of house building business which was recognised for the review period.

The number of employees of the discontinued operations totalled 163 (256) on 31 March 2011.


For the first quarter of 2011, the EBITDA from unallocated items was EUR -1.7 (-3.1) million including a EUR 0.3 (0.1) million non-cash expense for the share-based payments.


On 1 March 2011 the Company announced that its subsidiary, LP Kunnanharju Oy (former Lappipaneli Oy), and Sampo Bank Plc have reached an agreement which ends proceedings in the Helsinki District Court concerning disagreements related to currency hedging transactions, dating back to 2008 as announced on 7 July 2009.

LP Kunnanharju Oy will pay compensation amounting to approximately EUR 2.86 million to Sampo Bank Plc in full and final settlement of this dispute. Ruukki had previously booked a liability of EUR 3.32 million for this dispute and this settlement will, therefore, have a positive effect of about EUR 0.47 million on profit.


Ruukki Group Plc's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (RUG1V) and on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (RKKI).

On 31 March 2011, the registered number of Ruukki Group Plc shares was 248,207,000 (247,982,000) and share capital EUR 23,642,049.60 (23,642,049.60).

As announced on 7 March 2011 950,000 ordinary shares in the Company (“Shares”) were transferred from the shares held in treasury. The transfer took place pursuant to the resolution related to the remuneration of the Board approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 21 April 2010 and the resolution of the Board of Directors from the board meeting held on 29 May 2010. The Shares have been released at no cost to the individuals.

The issued shares are subject to a lock-up commitment in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting. According to the lock-up commitment, the Company is entitled to redeem the Initial Shares free of charge, in part or in full, should the director’s term in the Board of Directors end before the third ordinary general meeting following the approval of this issue. The redemption will concern all of the issued shares (3/3) if the director’s term at the Board of Directors ends before the first, two-thirds (2/3) if before the second, and one-third (1/3) if before the third ordinary general meeting following the approval of this issue.

On 31 March 2011 the Company had altogether 7,790,895 (8,740,895) own shares, which was equivalent to about 3.14% (3.52%) of all registered shares. The total amount of shares outstanding, excluding the treasury shares held by the Company on 31 March 2011 was 240,416,105 (239,466,105).

Based on the resolution by the Annual General Meeting on 21 April 2010, the Board has currently been authorised for a buy-back of maximum 10,000,000 own shares. This authorisation is valid until 21 October 2011.


Ruukki Group Plc has received the following shareholder notifications during or after the review period 1 January – 31 March 2011. These notifications can be found in full on the Company website.

31 March 2011, Hanwa Co. Limited’s ownership will fall below 5% of the registered share capital and voting rights of Ruukki Group Plc, after the completion of a share transfer agreement signed with Finaline Business Limited concerning a sale and transfer of 27,000,000 shares in Ruukki Group Plc.

1 April 2011, Finaline Business Limited’s ownership will exceed 10% of the registered share capital and voting rights of Ruukki Group Plc, after the completion of a share transfer agreement signed with Hanwa Co. Limited concerning a sale and transfer of 27,000,000 shares in Ruukki Group Plc.


The changes in the key risks and uncertainties are set out below. Further details of the risks and uncertainties have been published in the Group’s Annual Report 2010.

Through shifting the Group’s focus into mining and minerals operations, the Group has become more exposed to commodity price risks and risks of fluctuating demand in the minerals sector.

The further expansion into the minerals business and subject to completion of the disposal of the wood business assets will also increase the absolute and relative importance of foreign operations and also foreign exchange rate risks, both directly and indirectly. The changes in exchange rates, if adverse, can have a substantial negative impact on the Group’s profitability, in particular in relation to changes in USD/ZAR. Changes in ZAR exchange rate also have an effect on the EUR value of the deferred purchase consideration of Mogale Alloys.

Since the Group has made and may in the future carry out mergers and acquisitions, there is a number of implementation and integration related risks.

The Group is considering some alternative options how to organically grow its businesses, both at the raw material sourcing and further processing phases, which can expose the Group to major project risks.


The Board’s decision to focus solely on the mining, smelting and metals processing business and to dispose the wood assets has had a significant impact on the Group’s structure. The Group’s area of business will now be dedicated to the mining and minerals sector and therefore the Group’s financial performance will be more dependent on the general market conditions of this sector, especially in chrome.

2011 will be the year where Ruukki refocuses its operations according to its growth strategy, further develops its existing mining, smelting and minerals processing assets and evaluates potential acquisition targets.

There is general uncertainty as to how demand during 2011 will develop. However, Ruukki expects global demand for the Company’s ferroalloys products to be higher in 2011 compared to that of 2010, which is expected to result in higher prices and improved financial performance.

Fluctuations of exchange rates between Euro, South-African Rand, Turkish Lira and US Dollar can significantly impact the Company’s financial performance.


On 8 April 2011 the Company announced it had completed the sale of its Finnish pallet business, Oplax Oy, to Pallet Invest Oy.

On 15 April 2011 the Company announced an invitation to the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 11 May 2011.

On 15 April 2011 the Company announced its head office will move to Kasarmikatu 36, Helsinki on 21 April 2011.

On 28 April 2011 the Company announced that it will report its financial performance in two new reporting segments from the beginning of 2011; FerroAlloys and the Speciality Alloys business segments.

Changes in organisation

As announced on 4 May 2011 the Board of Directors has appointed Thomas Hoyer as Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. The previous Acting Managing Director, Dr Danko Koncar, became Enterprise Director and responsible for Ruukki’s strategic direction and new business development. Theuns de Bruyn has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective from 1 July 2011.

On 4 May 2011 the Company announced that the Nomination Committee has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting that Thomas Hoyer, the new CEO, be elected as new member of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee also proposes that there will be eight (8) members in the Board of Directors for the period that begins following the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2011 and ends in the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2012.

In Helsinki, 10 May 2011





  Silent periods Reporting date
Interim Report Q2/2011 19.7.–18.8.2011 18 August 2011
Interim Report Q3/2011 11.10.–10.11.2011 10 November 2011



1.1.– 31.3.2011
3 months
EUR '000
Eliminations Continuing
Revenue 20,172 14,626 0 0 34,798
EBITDA 5,048 48 -1,670 31 3,457
EBIT 652 -2,565 -1,685 31 -3,566
Segment's assets 184,491 231,325 93,770 -12,298 497,288
Segment's liabilities 71,883    129,383 54,957 -6,427 249,796


1.1.– 31.3.2010
3 months
EUR '000
Eliminations Continuing
Revenue 12,121 17,847 129 0 30,097
EBITDA -225 2,727 -3,139 105 -532
EBIT -4,409 583 -3,156 105 -6,877
Segment's assets 187,270 227,219 35,224 -6,009 443,705
Segment's liabilities 70,089    111,148 44,341 -5,991 219,587


12 months
EUR '000
Eliminations Continuing
Revenue 69,017 54,006 324 0 123,347
EBITDA 7,803 -972 -15,369 99 -8,439
EBIT -10,009 -50,216 -15,433 99 -75,559
Segment's assets 182,347 248,011 15,919 -10,616 435,661
Segment's liabilities 77,265    136,702 51,918 -6,840 259,045


EUR '000     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1-Q4/2010
Revenue 34,798 30,097 123,347
Other operating income 339 31 1,248
Operating expenses -31,902 -30,660 -133,424
Depreciation and amortisation -7,023 -6,344 -27,023
Impairment 0 0 -40,097
Items related to associates (core) 221 -1 390
Operating profit -3,566 -6,877 -75,559
Financial income and expense -521 137 -595
Items related to associates (non-core) 196 42 -99
Profit before tax -3,891 -6,698 -76,253
Income tax 780 1,424 10,942
Profit for the period from continuing
-3,111 -5,273 -65,311
Profit for the period from discontinued
42,987 834 14,186
Profit for the period 39,876 -4,440 -51,125
Profit attributable to      
Owners of the parent 39,732 -3,459 -52,611
Non-controlling interests 144 -981 1,486
Total 39,876 -4,440 -51,125
Earnings per share (counted from profit attributable to owners of the parent):
basic (EUR), group total 0.17 -0.01 -0.22
diluted (EUR), group total 0.15 -0.01 -0.22
basic (EUR), continuing operations -0.01 -0.02 -0.27
diluted (EUR), continuing operations -0.01 -0.02 -0.27


EUR ‘000     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1-Q4/2010
Profit for the period 39,876 -4,440 -51,125
Other comprehensive income      
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations -8,619 8,468 19,412
Income tax relating to other comprehensive income 5,059 -3,548 -9,815
Other comprehensive income, net of tax -3,561 4,920 9,597
Total comprehensive income for the period 36,315 480 -41,528
Total comprehensive income attributable to:      
Owners of the parent 37,357 738 -44,854
Non-controlling interests -1,042 -258 3,327


EUR '000     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1-Q4/2010
Non-current assets      
Investments and intangible assets      
Goodwill 122,845 180,736 129,120
Investments in associates 274 553 284
Other intangible assets 84,949 102,070 94,154
Investments and intangible assets total 208,068 283,359 223,559
Property, plant and equipment 79,688 83,650 87,468
Other non-current assets 39,189 30,909 44,022
Non-current assets total 326,945 397,918 355,050
Current assets      
Inventories 49,576 55,034 45,160
Receivables 31,544 46,077 26,853
Other investments 0 313 0
Cash and cash equivalents 29,222 58,976 8,598
Bank deposits 60,000 0 0
Liquid funds total 89,222 58,976 8,598
Current assets total 170,342 160,401 80,611
Assets held for sale 58,268 12,197 110,809
Cash and cash equivalents held for sale 775 0 10,561
Assets held for sale total 59,043 12,197 121,369
Total assets 556,331 570,516 557,030
Equity attributable to owners of the parent      
Share capital 23,642 23,642 23,642
Share premium reserve 25,740 25,740 25,740
Revaluation reserve 2,193 2,193 2,193
Paid-up unrestricted equity reserve 250,849 260,347 250,849
Translation reserves 11,546 10,362 13,921
Retained earnings -64,747 -53,263 -104,772
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 249,224 269,021 211,574
Non-controlling interests 22,924 17,621 24,781
Total equity 272,147 286,643 236,355
Non-current liabilities 199,321 176,723 216,556
Current liabilities      
Advances received 0 14,526 0
Other current liabilities 50,476 86,763 42,489
Current liabilities total 50,476 101,289 42,489
Liabilities classified as held for sale 34,387 5,862 61,630
Total liabilities 284,184 283,873 320,675
Total equity and liabilities 556,331 570,516 557,030


EUR '000     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1–Q4/2010
Liquid funds 89,222 58,976 8,598
Interest-bearing receivables      
Current 2,125 2,992 2,200
Non-current 26,550 15,204 28,865
Interest-bearing receivables 28,675 18,196 31,065
Interest-bearing liabilities      
Current 4,320 41,995 4,577
Non-current 95,090 78,142 102,244
Interest-bearing liabilities 99,410 120,137 106,821
NET TOTAL 18,487 -42,966 -67,157

Excluding interest-bearing assets and liabilities classified as held for sale


EUR '000  Property, plant
and equipment
 Acquisition cost 1.1.2011 132,715 354,221
 Additions 647 214
 Disposals  -75 -423
 Transfer to assets held for sale -94 -3
 Reclass between items 15 0
 Effect of movements in exchange rates -4,807 -16,433
 Acquisition cost 31.3.2011 128,401 337,577
 Acquisition cost 1.1.2010 127,541 337,547
 Additions 51,968 8,231*
 Disposals -4,044 0
 Transfer to assets held for sale -49,614 -26,519
 Reclass between items 298 -240
 Effect of movements in exchange rates 6,566 35,201
 Acquisition cost 31.12.2010 132,715 354,221

* Including changes in earn-out liabilities


EUR '000     Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1-Q4/2010
Net profit 39,876 -4,440 -51,125
Adjustments to net profit -33,938 1,837 57,700
Changes in working capital -2,571 7,952 4,604
Discontinued operations 390 -863 -616
Net cash from operating activities 3,758 4,486 10,563
Acquisition of subsidiaries and associates,
net of cash acquired
-2,124 -319 -21,855
Acquisition of joint ventures, net of cash
0 0 -20,372
Payments of earn-out liabilities 0 0 -65
Disposal of subsidiaries and associates,
net of cash sold
72,068 0 1,640
Capital expenditures and other investing
-711 -2,712 -14,229
Discontinued operations -166 -23 10,851
Net cash used in investing activities 69,067 -3,054 -44,030
Acquisition of own shares 0 -10 -10
Capital redemption 0 0 -9,570
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 0 0 -129
Deposits 0 2,500 2,500
Interest received on investments 0 33 9
Proceeds from borrowings 3,323 0 23,312
Repayment of borrowings, and other
financing activities
-4,010 -913 -13,260
Discontinued operations -1,184 -189 -6,551
Net cash used in financing activities -1,871 1,422 -3,697
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 70,953 2,854 -37,165


A = Share capital
B = Share premium reserve
C = Fair value and revaluation reserves
D = Paid-up unrestricted equity reserve
E = Translation reserve
F = Retained earnings
G = Equity attributable to owners of the parent, total
H = Non-controlling interests
I = Total equity


EUR '000 A B C D E F G H I
Equity at 31.12.2009 23,642 25,740 2,193 260,357 6,165 -49,953 268,144 17,878 286,022
Total comprehensive
income 1-3/2010
        4,197 -3,459 738 -258 480
Share-based payments           113 113   113
Acquisition of own
      -10     -10   -10
Acquisitions and
disposals of
          17 17 1 17
Other changes           20 20    20
Equity at 31.3.2010 23,642 25,740 2,193 260,347 10,362 -53,263 269,021 17,621 286,643
Dividend distribution             0 -357 -357
Total comprehensive
income 4-12/2010
        3,559 -49,151 -45,593 3,584 -42,008
Share-based payments           1,575 1,575   1,575
Share subscriptions
based on option rights
      72     72   72
Capital redemption       -9,570     -9,570   -9,570
Acquisitions and
disposals of
          -3,932 -3,932 3,932 0
Equity at 31.12.2010 23,642 25,740 2,193 250,849 13,921 -104,772 211,574 24,781 236,355
Dividend distribution             0 -550 -550
Total comprehensive
income 1-3/2011
        -2,375 39,732 37,357 -1,042 36,315
Share-based payments           293 293   293
Acquisitions and
disposals of
            0 -266 -266
Equity at 31.3.2011 23,642 25,740 2,193 250,849 11,546 -64,747 249,224 22,924 272,147


During the review period the Group has sold goods and rendered services to related parties by EUR 2.1 million. The Group has also accrued interest on loans from a related party amounting to EUR 0.2 million. Interest income from a joint venture company totalled EUR 0.1 million during the review period.

On 31 March the Group had loan and trade receivables from joint venture companies totalling EUR 12.1 million and a loan receivable from a related party amounting to EUR 10 million. The Group’s loans from a related party amounted to EUR 12 million and the Group’s joint venture’s loans from a related party EUR 10.5 million. The Group also has an acquisition related earn-out liability to a related party amounting to EUR 35 million.

The Group has an unused credit facility from its major shareholder Kermas Ltd amounting to USD 55 million. The facility is available to be drawn down until 31 December 2011.


The balance sheet date rate is based on exchange rate published by the European Central Bank for the closing date. The average exchange rate is calculated as an average of daily rates from the European Central Bank during the year.

The key exchange rates applied in the accounts:

Average rates

      Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1-Q4/2010
TRY    2.1591 2.0821 1.9965
USD 1.3680 1.3569 1.3257
ZAR 9.5875 10.0589 9.6984

Balance sheet rates

      31.3.2011     31.3.2010 31.12.2010
TRY    2.1947 2.0512 2.0694
USD 1.4207 1.3479 1.3362
ZAR 9.6507 9.8922 8.8625


Financial ratios and indicators have been calculated with the same principles as applied in the 2010 financial statements. These principles are presented below.

Return on equity, % = Profit for the period / Total equity (average for the period) * 100

Return on capital employed, % = Profit before taxes + financing expenses / (total assets - interest-free liabilities) average * 100

Equity ratio, % = Total equity / total assets - prepayments received * 100

Gearing, % = (Interest-bearing debt - liquid funds) / Total equity * 100

Net interest-bearing debt = Interest-bearing debt - liquid funds

Earnings per share, basic, EUR = Profit attributable to owners of the parent company / Average number of shares during the period

Earnings per share, diluted, EUR = Profit attributable to owners of the parent company / Average number of shares during the period, diluted

Operating profit (EBIT) = Operating profit is the net of revenue plus other operating income, plus gain/loss on finished goods inventory change, minus employee benefits expense, minus depreciation, amortisation and impairment and minus other operating expense. Foreign exchange gains or losses are included in operating profit when generated from ordinary activities. Exchange gains or losses related to financing activities are recognised as financial income or expense.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) = Operating profit + depreciations + amortisations + impairment losses

Gross capital expenditure = Gross capital expenditure consists of the additions in the acquisition cost of non-current tangible and intangible assets as well as additions in non-current assets resulting from acquisitions.


This Interim Report is prepared in accordance with the IAS 34 standard. Ruukki Group Plc applies the same accounting and IFRS principles as in the 2010 financial statements with the exception that from the beginning of 2011 the Company applies a new reporting business segment structure. The new reporting business segments are the FerroAlloys and Speciality Alloys. In 2010 the Company had two reporting segments: Wood Processing Business and Minerals Business. The Company has published the comparative financial information for the new segments on 28 April 2011.

The preparation of the Interim Report in accordance with IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the valuation of the reported assets and liabilities and other information, such as contingent liabilities and the recognition of income and expenses in the income statement. Although the estimates are based on the management’s best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results may differ from the estimates.

The figures in the tables have been rounded off to one decimal point, which must be considered when calculating totals. Average exchange rates for the period have been used for income statement conversions, and period-end exchange rates for balance sheet.

The Interim Report data are unaudited.

Share-related key figures

        Q1/2011     Q1/2010 Q1-Q4/2010
Share price development in
London Stock Exchange*
Average share price** EUR 1.80 N/A 1.64
  GBP 1.54 N/A 1.39
Lowest share price** EUR 1.79 N/A 1.60
  GBP 1.53 N/A 1.36
Highest share price** EUR 1.85 N/A 2.10
  GBP 1.58 N/A 1.78
Share price at the end of the
EUR 1.73 N/A 1.68
  GBP 1.53 N/A 1.45
Market capitalisation at the
end of the period***
429.7 N/A 416.7
379.8 N/A 358.7
Share trading development        
Share turnover thousand
82 N/A 712
Share turnover EUR
148 N/A 1,168
Share turnover GBP
127 N/A 990
Share turnover % 0.0% N/A 0.3%
Share price development in
Average share price EUR 1.87 2.05 1.59
Lowest share price EUR 1.69 1.90 1.00
Highest share price EUR 2.03 2.30 2.30
Share price at the end of the
EUR 1.81 2.02 1.70
Market capitalisation at the
end of the period
449.3 500.9 422.0
Share trading development        
Share turnover thousand
2,084 2,089 21,042
Share turnover EUR
3,895 4,276 33,414
Share turnover % 0.8% 0.8% 8.5%

* Ruukki’s share has been listed in London Stock Exchange as of 26 July 2010, thus share information in LSE is available only from that day onwards.

** Share prices have been calculated on the average EUR/GBP exchange rate published by Bank of Finland.

*** Share price and market capitalisation at the end of the period have been calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published by Bank of Finland at the end of the period.

Formulas for share-related key indicators

Average share price = Total value of shares traded in currency / Number of shares traded during the period

Market capitalisation, million = Number of shares * Share price at the end of the period


This report contains forward-looking statements. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the terms "believes", "expects", "intends", "may", "will" or "should" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve uncertainty because they depend on future circumstances, and relate to events, not all of which are within the Company's control or can be predicted by the Company.

Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Actual results could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements. Save as required by law (including the Finnish Securities Markets Acts (495/1989), as amended, or by the Listing Rules or the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the UK Financial Services Authority), the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements in this report that may occur due to any changes in the Directors' expectations or to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report.

