Company release no. 22 / 2011 - Decisions by the annual general meeting

  1. Annual Report 2009/2010 approved, including adoption of the board of directors' remuneration and the decision to transfer the profit to next year as proposed. 
  2. the management and the board of directors discharged.
  3. Jens Erik Christensen Allerd Derk Stikker, Anton Aksic, Petr Skrla, Bence Katai and Jette Jakobsen re-elected to Board of Directors.
  4. KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisonspertnerselskab appointed as auditors.
  5. the board of directors proposal to move the fixed agenda for the annual general meeting in article 5.2 of the Articles of Association be amended so that a new item be included about adoption of the board of directors' remuneration, adopted.


After the Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors constituted itself with Jens Erik Christensen as chairman of the board and Allerd Derk Stikker as Vice chairman.


Best regards

Tower Group A/S

Martin Coté


         Questions regarding this release can be directed to chairman Jens Erik Christensen on phone: +45 40 61 90 90


FBM nr 22 - 2011 - Decisions by the annual general meeting FINAL UK.pdf