DALLAS, Nov. 9, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PMFG, Inc. (the "Company") (Nasdaq:PMFG) and CEFCO Global Clean Energy, LLC ("CEFCO") announced the successful completion of large scale prototype tests associated with the first two pollution control modules of the CEFCO Process equipment. PMFG and CEFCO are seeking a sponsor to conduct a pilot program at a potential customer facility.
In July, 2010, PMFG was granted manufacturing rights in the continental United States to manufacture equipment and process units incorporating CEFCO's aerodynamic reactor technology used in the selective capture and removal of Particulate Matter, SOx, NOx and CO2, in combination with the subsequent conversion of captured pollutants into high grade end-products through conversion using chemical reagents and physical processes. The recovered pollutants are converted into usable end-products that can be commercially sold.
The 6000 lb/hr CEFCO prototype unit has been tested by PMFG using the exhaust gas from an oil fired boiler at its facilities in Wichita Falls, Texas. The exhaust gas was artificially modified by adding particulate and SOx to allow for simulation of exhaust conditions found in solid fuel combustion applications. The Company believes the measured results have consistently replicated the highest pollution control compliance capabilities commercially available on the market today. The test unit was able to achieve the desired results in both the particulate capture module (MRS) and SOx capture and conversion module (SRS). In addition to capturing the pollutants, the SRS unit achieved the expected conversion performance of SOx to potassium sulfite and potassium sulfate fertilizers.
The next phase in the product development by PMFG and CEFCO is to install a test unit at an end-user operator facility and conduct pilot tests to further validate the performance and economics of the CEFCO Process. PMFG and CEFCO invite all end-user operators in the following industries to contact the respective company officers listed below to initiate a pilot-demonstration program: Cement Producers, Oil & Gas Processors and Refiners, and Power Generators.
Peter J. Burlage, PMFG's Chief Executive Officer said, "The large scale testing approach undertaken by us to validate the CEFCO Process has enhanced our confidence in the design scalability and economic performance requirements necessary for a full scale commercial unit. Although the testing process was both longer and at a greater financial cost to Peerless than planned, we believe the potential commercial value will be greater based on the knowledge and experience gained from this product development strategy."
Robert Tang, CEFCO's President and CEO stated, "Capture of Particulate Matter (including the capture of particulates significantly below the level of 10.0 microns) on a consistent basis stands as 'surrogate' for Maximum Achievable Control Technology ("MACT") and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants ("NESHAPS") compliance for capturing all Particulate Matter according to the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"). We believe the positive results from the testing program of the MRS over a wide range of particulate sizes typically escaping from conventional Best Available Control Technology ("BACT") provides us confidence that this can be successfully used to achieve compliance with the new EPA regulations such as NESHAPS and Boiler MACT. The test results of the prototype represent an economic opportunity for significant cost-recovery as well as the possibility for profitability for CEFCO's customers."
Tang further stated, "The CEFCO Process' Sulfur Recovery System prototype not only consistently captures sulfur to meet compliance requirements; it also subsequently converts this capture to potassium sulfite and sulfate fertilizers. We believe the unique combination of capture and conversion into a high quality fertilizer end-product separates the CEFCO Process from all other pollution control technologies."
Thomas D. Box, President of Box International Consulting LP, (CEFCO'S exclusive North American cement and lime industry distributor), said of these developments, "The prototype results validating the CEFCO Process as a profit-center based solution that not only meets but exceeds PM and SO2 emissions standards under NESHAPS are extremely important and timely developments for the US cement and lime industry. Potassium sulfite and potassium sulfate fertilizers have been produced on an efficient basis from the prototype and confirm the economic opportunity for cost recovery and profit potential of the CEFCO Process. We all look forward to the next step which will be a pilot test to further confirm both the performance and extent of profit potential to the end user of this MACT compliant technology."
About PMFG
PMFG is a leading provider of custom engineered systems and products designed to help ensure that the delivery of energy is safe, efficient and clean. PMFG primarily serves the markets for power generation, natural gas infrastructure and petrochemical processing. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, it markets its systems and products worldwide.
The PMFG, Inc. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=5676
About CEFCO Global Clean Energy, LLC
CEFCO Global Clean Energy, LLC (Dallas, Texas) is a technology development company that specializes in carbon capture and all-pollutants capture by employing an energy-efficient and cost-saving technology for comprehensive air emissions controls. The CEFCO Process uses the shockwave "free-jet collision scrubbing" technology together with its own proprietary selective applications to capture toxic metals (such as mercury), and acidic gases (such as SOx, NOx and HCl), Greenhouse Gases ("GHG", such as carbon dioxide), and converts each group of the captured pollutants into salable end-products.
About Box International Consulting LP:
Box International is a full service cement industry consulting firm that works with cement producers in the US as well as many international cement markets. Box provides support and advice to clients that range from cement manufacturers, investors, and financial institutions regarding any aspect of the cement industry. Box International is the exclusive distributor of the CEFCO Process to the North American cement and lime industries and will welcome any inquiry regarding the applicability of the CEFCO Process.