2000 Men Join the "Pastor-on-the-Roof" Rev. Corey Brooks in Fight to Reclaim the Community

CHICAGO, Dec. 20, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --


Prayer vigil to be attended by 2000 men representing a cross-section of  Chicago's population and 50 members of  clergy in support of Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny), a campaign to raise $450,000 to purchase land for a community center on Chicago's Southside. 


December 21, 2011 at 9:00pm CST


Pastor Corey Brooks of New Beginnings Church, 50 members of clergy, and 2000 men


The Super Motel, 6625 S King Dr., Chicago across the street from New Beginnings Church Pastor Brooks will remain on the roof; the prayer vigil will take place on the street directly below.


As momentum continues to build, Pastor Corey Brooks perched atop an abandoned motel for the past 15 days, has put out a call to action for the men of the community to take a stand alongside him as he rails against violence.  Pastor Brooks of New Beginnings Church of Chicago has been camping on the roof of the former Super Motel at 6625 S. King Drive. The 66th and King Drive location was once a criminal haven for prostitutes and drug dealers prompting the neighboring New Beginnings Church to take action.  Pastor Brooks has been able to witness the results of the violence from his vantage point on the roof, strengthening his resolve to make a difference.

Two weeks ago, the summons was readily answered by 50 of his pastoral colleagues and their churches in the religious community, also 1000 men. (see attached photo credit Photographer Jason Thomas of Jlasan Photography.)  Presenting a grand show of force and solidarity, the men communicate a clear and concise message that the violence must end. They united in Pastor Brooks' vision of community development as a catalyst of change not only for the Woodlawn community, but the entire metropolitan Chicago area. But the momentum will continue on December 21st  as the call is now for each man to bring their sons, grandsons, nephews and neighbors. Building on the call "Each one, bring one" 2000 men are expected to join the Project HOOD movement to end violence.

This event is only the latest show of support for the Project HOOD movement. Recently contacted by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the Mayor communicated his support. The story broke nationally by the New York Times writer Don Terry, has struck a chord of compassion in the hearts of all Americans. Pastor Brooks is demonstrating that this cause is a just one that unites people, crossing racial, economical, social and religious lines.  Pastor Brooks is committed to see the much needed change!  While $450,000 is needed to purchase the building, Pastor Brooks says "I can't sit back and let another resident of this community endure any more violence. We're trying to tackle a lot of social giants in our particular place, I want to get off this roof, but at the same time, I am committed to change!


@CoreyBBrooks on Twitter

Reporters, photographers and camera crews are welcome.


Danielle E Willis
773-243-9917 nbcsocialmediateam@gmail.com

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The following pictures are available for download:

[Image] New Beginnings Church


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