Announcement General Meeting - Share Serial No. 1015052

Faaborg, Denmark, 2012-03-15 18:43 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ordinary general meeting of Sparekassen Faaborg was held on 15 March 2012 at 4:30 pm. The agenda of the meeting was in accordance with the articles of association. 

  • The annual report was adopted.

  • 9 members of the committee of shareholders were elected; 7 were re-elected and 2 were elected for the first time.

  • The auditor, Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab KPMG, was re-elected, as from 2012 Sparekassen Faaborg will solely be audited by one auditor.

  • Proposal for amendment of the articles of association concerning extension of the authorization to the board of directors to increase the share capital by up to DKK 62m for a new 5-year period until 15 March 2017 was adopted. Sparekassen Faaborg’s articles of association are attached.

         CEO Claus Sejling, phone no. +45 6361 1814
