Trigon Agri A/S: Resolutions of Annual General Meeting

With the following Trigon Agri A/S hereby announces that further to the notice
published on 4 April 2012 an Annual General Meeting of Trigon Agri A/S (the
Company) shareholders was held on 26 April 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The
following resolutions were passed:

1. Directors' report on the activities of
the Company during the past financial year was noted.

2. The audited annual
report for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011 was adopted.

The board of directors will be remunerated for the financial year 2012 as
follows: chairman EUR 0 and ordinary member EUR 10,000.

4. The board of
directors and the management board were released of their responsibilities in
respect of item 2.

5. The net profit of EUR 1,202 thousand, recorded in the
annual report is appropriated as follows: 70 % of the net profit of EUR 1,202
thousand is carried forward to the next financial year and 30 % of the net
profit of EUR 1,202 thousand (equivalent to EUR 360,600) is distributed to
shareholders as dividends. The dividend will be paid out on or before 10 May
2012 to shareholders registered at the date of the annual general meeting 26
April 2012 in accordance with the register of shareholders. Dividend rate per
share is 0,00278 and the currency in which dividend is paid is euro.

Joakim Johan Helenius, Pertti Oskari Laine and Ernst René Anselm Nyberg were re
-elected to the board of directors for a term of 1 (one) year and that Raivo
Vare and David Mathew were elected to the board of directors for a term of 1
(one) year.

7. PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab,
Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup, were re-elected as auditors of the Company for
the next financial year.

8. The Company’s nominal share capital was reduced
by EUR 64,813,739.50 from EUR 129,627,479 to EUR 64,813,739.50 by transfer to a
special reserve and by reduction of the nominal value of the Company's shares
from EUR 1 to EUR 0.5. The transfer to a special reserve shall be EUR
64,813,739.50, and the capital reduction is thus implemented at a price of 100.
The reduction of the share capital will not dilute any existing shareholdings or
impact the number of shares owned by each shareholder. The Articles of
Association were amended accordingly. The reduction of the share capital will
become effective after the lapse of a four (4) week notice period.

9. It
shall be the Company's policy to seek to distribute 30 % of the Company's annual
audited net profits as dividends to shareholders to the extent this is
consistent with the Danish Companies Act. A new Article 15.2 is added to the
Articles of Association to reflect this resolution.

Annual General Meeting
Minutes (

s of Association valid as of 26 04
2012 (

Mr. Ülo Adamson,
President and CEO of Trigon Agri A/S
Tel: +372 66

About Trigon Agri
Trigon Agri is a
leading integrated soft commodities production, storage and trading company with
operations in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia. Trigon Agri’s shares are traded on
the main market of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Trigon Agri is managed under a
management agreement by Trigon Capital, a leading Central and Eastern European
operational management firm with around USD 1 billion of assets under

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