At Aspiro’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was held today on 14 May 2012, the following proposals from the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee were approved. Resolution on Appropriations The AGM resolved that the accumulated deficit which, including the loss for the year of SEK -39,626,026.55, amounts to SEK -64,127,287.03, should be carried forward. Resolutions on Directors’ and Auditor’s Fees The AGM resolved that the directors’ fees shall amount to a total of SEK 875,000, of which SEK 250,000 to the Chairman (unchanged) and SEK 125,000 to each of the other Board members (unchanged), and that no additional fees shall be paid for committee work, if applicable. The AGM further resolved that fee to the Auditor shall be paid as per approved invoice. Elections of Board Members and Auditor In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, Trond Berger and Lars Boilesen were re-elected and Bjørn Erik Reinseth, Rolf Kristian Presthus, Karine Mortvedt Mørland and Richard Sandenskog were newly elected as members of the Board of Directors. Trond Berger was also re-elected as Chairman of the Board. In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the authorized public accountant Johan Thuresson was re-elected as the Company’s Auditor, with the authorized public accountant Kerstin Mouchard as deputy Auditor, for a term of one year. Resolution on Guidelines for Remuneration to Senior Executives The AGM approved the Board of Directors’ proposition for guidelines for remuneration to senior executives in accordance with the guidelines approved by the AGM of 2011. For more information, please contact: Kristin Castillo Eldnes, Head of Corporate communication and IR Tel: +47 908 07 389 E-mail: or Gunnar Sellæg, CEO Tel: +47 901 81 528 E-mail: About Aspiro Aspiro is a leading streaming company with its primary focus on the WiMP music service and video services delivered to partners. WiMP is delivered direct to consumers and through partners such as operators and TV distributors. With WiMP, Aspiro is thinking globally but working locally, with editorial services and in -house teams tailoring the service for each country. Aspiro has 14 years’ experience of digital services and is a growth company with high ambitions. Aspiro is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |The information in this press release is such that the company is required to| |disclose pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was | |released for publication on 14 may 2012 at 01.30 p.m. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Annual General Meeting of Aspiro AB (publ)
| Source: Aspiro AB