Elliptical Mobile Solutions Accepted Into Con Edison's Market Partner Network for Energy Efficiency Program

CHANDLER, Ariz., May 14, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elliptical Mobile Solutions, the global leader in energy efficient, cost-effective Micro-Modular Data Centers announced it was recently accepted as a Market Partner for the Con Edison Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Energy Efficiency Program. The plan provides cash rebates and incentives to encourage companies to reduce energy consumption.

The savings customers will realize by using Elliptical Mobile Solutions (EMS) enclosures is twofold, explained Bill Stockwell, chief executive officer of EMS. Micro-Modular Data Centers dramatically reduce data center energy and operating costs by containing the hot and cold aisles within the enclosure. By cooling the equipment within the enclosure rather than the entire room, a company can save up to 50 percent in operating and energy costs. Additionally, customers who install EMS's energy efficient enclosures will potentially be eligible to receive financial incentives for technical studies and rebates from Con Edison. As a Market Partner, EMS will provide Con Edison's commercial and industrial customers with technical support, helping them meet their energy savings goals and guiding them though the application process.  

 "We are pleased to have Elliptical Mobile Solutions as part of our Market Partner Network," said David Pospisil, Program Manager, Con Edison's C&I Energy Efficiency Programs. "With more than 600 firms in our network, EMS will allow us to expand our efforts to help our commercial and industrial customers improve the energy performance in their buildings."

"We are pleased to have been approved by Con Edison for their C&I Energy Efficiency Program," said Stockwell. "At EMS, we share Con Edison's commitment to reducing energy consumption, saving money and protecting the environment."

The Market Partner Network includes contractors, distributors, suppliers and manufacturers of energy efficient equipment. It also boasts a list of highly skilled professionals including architects, engineers and energy consultants that can assist Con Edison commercial and industrial customers in meeting their energy savings goals. 

For more information on the Con Edison C&I Energy Efficiency Program and all the Green Team programs, visit conEd.com/greenteam or call 1-877-870-6118.

About Consolidated Edison Company of New York

Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE:ED), one of the nation's largest investor-owned energy companies, with approximately $13 billion in annual revenues and $40 billion in assets. The utility provides electric, gas and steam service to more than three million customers in New York City and Westchester County, New York. For additional financial, operations and customer service information, visit us on the Web at www.conEd.com, at our green site, www.coned.com/thepowerofgreen, or find us on Facebook at Power of Green.

About EMS

Headquartered in Chandler, Ariz., Elliptical Mobile Solutions has MMDC installations in the United States, Canada, England, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Nigeria, and South Africa. For information, visit: www.ellipticalmobilesolutions.com. Or contact:

Stephanie Jones Trotto
Marketing Manager
Elliptical Mobile Solutions
(888) 924-0547

The Elliptical Mobile Solutions logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=6944

Company ProfileElliptical Mobile SolutionsIndustry: Mobile TelecommunicationsWebsite: